Buzz - Dissemination
Automating Harvest and Ingest of the Medical Heritage Library
Christy Henshaw, Dave Thompson and João Baleia describe an automated process to harvest medical books and pamphlets from the Internet Archive into the Wellcome Library’s Digital Services environment.
Editorial Introduction to Issue 72
The new editor introduces readers to the content of Ariadne Issue 72.
LinkedUp: Linking Open Data for Education
Marieke Guy, Mathieu d’Aquin, Stefan Dietze, Hendrik Drachsler, Eelco Herder and Elisabetta Parodi describe the activities carried out by the LinkedUp Project looking at the promotion of open data in education.
Open Access and Research Conference 2013: Discovery, Impact and Innovation
Paula Callan, Stephanie Bradbury, Sarah Brown, Philippa Broadley, Emma Nelms and Christopher Hart report on Open Access and Research 2013 which focused on recent developments and the strategic advantages they bring to the research sector.
Hita-Hita: Open Access and Institutional Repositories in Japan Ten Years On
Ikuko Tsuchide, Yui Nishizono, Masako Suzuki, Shigeki Sugita, Kazuo Yamamoto and Hideki Uchijima introduce a number of ideas and projects that have enhanced the progress of the Open Access movement and institutional repositories in Japan over the last ten years.
Book Review: Crisis Information Management
Emma Tonkin offers a review of a thought-provoking overview of crisis informatics.
Engaging Researchers with Social Media Tools: 25 Research Things@Huddersfield
Graham Stone and Ellen Collins investigate whether 25 Research Things, an innovative online learning programme, could help researchers understand the value of Web 2.0 tools.
JABES 2013
Marlène Delhaye reports on the two-day annual conference organised by the French Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur (ABES) held in Montpellier, France over 14-15 May 2013.
The Performance-based Funding Model: Creating New Research Databases in Sweden and Norway
Leif Eriksson describes how the introduction of Performance-based Research Funding Systems (PRFS) has created new forms of research databases in Sweden and Norway.
'Does He Take Sugar?': The Risks of Standardising Easy-to-read Language
Brian Kelly, Dominik Lukeš and Alistair McNaught highlight the risks of attempting to standardise easy-to-read language for online resources.
23rd International CODATA Conference
Alex Ball reports on a conference on ‘Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet’ held by the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on 28–31 October 2012.
Book Review: The E-copyright Handbook
Charles Oppenheim takes a look at the latest of Paul Pedley’s copyright guidance books, and, in some respects, finds it wanting.
CURATEcamp iPres 2012
Mark Jordan, Courtney Mumma, Nick Ruest and the participants of CURATEcamp iPres 2012 report on this unconference for digital curation practitioners and researchers, held on 2 October 2012 in Toronto.
EMTACL12 (Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries)
Sarah Rayner and Olivia Walsby report on a three-day conference on Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries, hosted by NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim, Norway over 1 - 3 October 2012.
Hydra UK: Flexible Repository Solutions to Meet Varied Needs
Chris Awre reports on the Hydra UK event held on 22 November 2012 at the Library of the London School of Economics.
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2012
Anna Mastora and Sarantos Kapidakis report on TPDL 2012 held at Paphos, Cyprus, over 23-27 September 2012.
Enhancing Collaboration and Interaction in a Post-graduate Research Programme
Tertia Coetsee describes a community of practice for post-graduate students where RefShare is deployed for digital storage and retrieval, alongside Blackboard for the purposes of communication. She also describes the role of the information specialist in the programme.
Evaluation of Assessment Diaries and GradeMark at the University of Glamorgan
Karen Fitzgibbon and Alice Lau describe a JISC-funded project in evaluating the pedagogical and workload impact that two assessment- and feedback-related innovations have on students and staff and report on lessons for the sector.
Making the Most of a Conference
Stephanie Taylor writes about how she made the most of a conference to promote and inform the work of a project.
Collaborations Workshop 2012: Software, Sharing and Collaboration in Oxford
Simon Choppin reports on a two-day software workshop held at The Queen’s College, Oxford over 21 - 22 March 2012.
Perceptions of Public Libraries in Africa
Monika Elbert, David Fuegi and Ugne Lipeikaite describe the principal findings of the study Perceptions of Public Libraries in Africa which served to provide evidence of how public libraries are perceived by their stakeholders.
Book Review: The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping
John Azzolini reviews an anthology of perceptive essays on the challenges presented to archival thought and practice by Web 2.0, postmodern perspectives, and cross-disciplinary interchanges.
Developing Research Excellence and Methods (DREaM) Project Launch Conference
Ray Harper reports on a one-day conference which launched the DREaM Project, held by the Library and Information Science Research Coalition in London on 19 July 2011.
Editorial Introduction to Issue 68
The editor introduces readers to the content of Ariadne issue 68.
IMPACT Final Conference 2011
Marieke Guy reports on the two-day conference looking at the results of the IMPACT Project in making digitisation and OCR better, faster and cheaper.
The Future of the Past of the Web
Matthew Brack reports on the one-day international workshop 'The Future of the Past of the Web' held at the British Library Conference Centre, London on 7 October, 2011.
eSciDoc Days 2011: The Challenges for Collaborative eResearch Environments
Ute Rusnak reports on the fourth in a series of two-day conferences called eSciDoc Days, organised by FIZ Karlsruhe and the Max Planck Digital Library in Berlin over 26-27 October 2011.
The Informatics Transform: Re-engineering Libraries for the Data Decade
Liz Lyon proposes that libraries re-position, re-profile and ramp up their engagement with research data management, scholarly communications and citizen science.
A Double-edged Sword: What Are the Implications of Freedom of Information for the HE Sector?
Amy Gibbons reports on the second in a series of workshops organised by the Research Information Network to explore the impact of the Freedom of Information Act on the Higher Education sector, held at University College London on 1 April 2011. -
Book Review: Envisioning Future Academic Library Services
John Azzolini reviews a timely collection of essays that highlights the values of institutional leadership and resourcefulness in academic librarianship's engagements with Web 2.0. -
Connecting Researchers at the University of Bath
Jez Cope and Geraldine Jones describe a recent series of events introducing social media to research students at the University of Bath. -
Mike Jones, Simon Price, Nikki Rogers and Damian Steer describe the rationale, aims and progress of MyMobileBristol, highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen during the project. -
UK Reading Experience Database
Bethan Ruddock reports from the launch event for the UK Reading Experience Database, held at the Betty Boothroyd Library, the Open University, Milton Keynes, on 24 February 2011. -
10 Cheap and Easy Ways to Amplify Your Event
Marieke Guy describes new tools and services that can help you get your event heard. -
Characterising and Preserving Digital Repositories: File Format Profiles
Steve Hitchcock and David Tarrant show how file format profiles, the starting point for preservation plans and actions, can also be used to reveal the fingerprints of emerging types of institutional repositories. -
RefShare: A Community of Practice to Enhance Research Collaboration
Tertia Coetsee describes a community of practice for postgraduate students in phytomedicine using RefShare, to enhance collaborative research. -
Europeana Open Culture 2010
David Fuegi and Monika Segbert-Elbert report on the annual Europeana Conference, held at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam in October 2010. -
Internet Librarian International Conference 2010
Claire Tylee, Katrin Flemming and Elly Cope report on the two-day Internet Librarian International Conference focusing on innovation and technology in the information profession, held in London on 14-15 October 2010. -
Repository Fringe 2010
Martin Donnelly (and friends) report on the Repository Fringe "unconference" held at the National e-Science Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland, over 2-3 September 2010. -
Survive or Thrive
Ed Fay reports on a two-day conference organised by UKOLN on behalf of JISC to consider growth and use of digital content on the Web, which was held in Manchester in June 2010. -
Intute Reflections at the End of an Era
Angela Joyce, Linda Kerr, Tim Machin, Paul Meehan and Caroline Williams look back at the history and achievements of Intute, and reflect on lessons learned as the service enters its final year. -
Retooling Libraries for the Data Challenge
Dorothea Salo examines how library systems and procedures need to change to accommodate research data. -
Trove: Innovation in Access to Information in Australia
Rose Holley describes a major development in the Australian national digital information infrastructure. -
A Pragmatic Approach to Preferred File Formats for Acquisition
Dave Thompson sets out the pragmatic approach to preferred file formats for long-term preservation used at the Wellcome Library. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 63: Consider the Users in the Field
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 63. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
An Attack on Professionalism and Scholarship? Democratising Archives and the Production of Knowledge
Andrew Flinn describes some recent developments in democratising the archive and asks whether these developments really deserve to be viewed as a threat to professional and academic standards. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 62: The Wisdom of Communities
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 62. -
Intranet Management: Divine Comedy or Strategic Imperative?
Martin White suggests that a failure to recognise the value of intranets is a symptom of a failure to recognise information as a strategic asset. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Uncovering User Perceptions of Research Activity Data
Cecilia Loureiro-Koechlin discusses the outcomes and lessons learned from user tests performed on the Oxford Blue Pages, a tool designed to display information about researchers and their activities at the University of Oxford. -
How to Publish Data Using Overlay Journals: The OJIMS Project
Sarah Callaghan, Sam Pepler, Fiona Hewer, Paul Hardaker and Alan Gadian describe the implementation details that can be used to create overlay journals for data publishing in the meteorological sciences. -
Why Are Users So Useful? User Engagement and the Experience of the JISC Digitisation Programme
Paola Marchionni discusses the importance of user engagement in the creation of digitised scholarly resources with case studies from the JISC Digitisation Programme. -
E-Curator: A 3D Web-based Archive for Conservators and Curators
Mona Hess, Graeme Were, Ian Brown, Sally MacDonald, Stuart Robson and Francesca Simon Millar describe a project which combines 3D colour laser scanning and e-Science technologies for capturing and sharing very large 3D scans and datasets about museum artefacts in a secure computing environment. -
Institutional Repositories for Creative and Applied Arts Research: The Kultur Project
Andrew Gray discusses institutional repositories and the creative and applied arts specifically in relation to the JISC-funded Kultur Project. -
Open Repositories 2009
Adrian Stevenson reports on the four-day annual Open Repositories conference held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA, USA over 18 - 21 May 2009. -
SHERPA to YODL-ING: Digital Mountaineering at York
Julie Allinson and Elizabeth Harbord describe the development of digital repositories for the University of York. -
The Norwegian National Digital Library
Marianne Takle describes the National Library of Norway's digitisation strategy and how the National Library is taking on a key role in the country's digital library service. -
A Support Framework for Remote Workers
Marieke Guy follows up on her two previous articles for Ariadne with an overview of an evolving structure to provide consistent support to UKOLN colleagues who work remotely. -
Book Review: Managing Electronic Government Information in Libraries
Sylvie Lafortune reviews a book which addresses the following question: From e-government to t-government. How will libraries keep up? -
EThOS: from Project to Service
Jill Russell describes the impact the new Electronic Theses Online Service is making on the availability of UK doctoral theses. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Publish and Cherish With Non-proprietary Peer Review Systems
Leo Waaijers urges Open Access-mandating research funders to extend OA publishing conditions by stimulating the market. -
Spinning a Semantic Web for Metadata: Developments in the IEMSR
Emma Tonkin and Alexey Strelnikov reflect on the experience of developing components for the Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry. -
To VRE Or Not to VRE?: Do South African Malaria Researchers Need a Virtual Research Environment?
Heila Pienaar and Martie van Deventer identify the requirements of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for malaria researchers in South Africa. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Supporting eResearch: The Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative
Ann Borda reports on the Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI). -
The MrCute Repository: The Next Phase
Helen Brady describes the MrCute repository project and its potential impact on the digital learning object-sharing community. -
A Bug's Life?: How Metaphors from Ecology Can Articulate the Messy Details of Repository Interactions
R. John Robertson, Mahendra Mahey and Phil Barker introduce work investigating an alternative model of repository and service interaction. -
Copyright Angst, Lust for Prestige and Cost Control: What Institutions Can Do to Ease Open Access
Leo Waaijers writes about copyright, prestige and cost control in the world of open access while in two appendices Bas Savenije and Michel Wesseling compare the costs of open access publishing and subscriptions/licences for their respective institutions. -
Europeana: An Infrastructure for Adding Local Content
Rob Davies describes a Best Practice Network under the eContentPlus Programme to make available locally sourced digital content to the Europeana Service. -
Get Tooled Up: Staying Connected: Technologies Supporting Remote Workers
Having considered organisational issues in her previous article, Marieke Guy takes a look at the many technologies that support remote working, from broadband to Web 2.0 social networking tools. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
OAI-ORE, PRESERV2 and Digital Preservation
Sally Rumsey and Ben O'Steen describe OAI-ORE and how it can contribute to digital preservation activities. -
eResearch Australasia 2008
Tobias Blanke, Ann Borda, Gaby Bright and Bridget Soulsby report on the annual eResearch Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne, Australia, 29 September - 3 October, 2008. -
New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies
Grainne Conole reflects on the implications of Web 2.0 for education and offers two new schemas for thinking about harnessing the potential of technologies. -
Persistent Identifiers: Considering the Options
Emma Tonkin looks at the current landscape of persistent identifiers, describes several current services, and examines the theoretical background behind their structure and use. -
Digital Lives: Report of Interviews With the Creators of Personal Digital Collections
Pete Williams, Ian Rowlands, Katrina Dean and Jeremy Leighton John describe initial findings of the AHRC-funded Digital Lives Research Project studying personal digital collections and their relationship with research repositories such as the British Library. -
South African Repositories: Bridging Knowledge Divides
Martie van Deventer and Heila Pienaar provide us with background to recent South African repository initiatives and detail an example of knowledge transfer from one institution to another. -
Ancient Cultures Inside Modern Universes
Edgardo Civallero writes on preservation and dissemination of intangible South American indigenous heritage and updating information using Web-based tools. -
Book Reviews: Digital Information and Knowledge Management, and Print Vs. Digital
Sylvie Lafortune looks at two books edited by Sul H. Lee dealing with the impact of digital information on libraries, librarianship, information providers and library users. -
E-Publication and Open Access in the Arts and Humanities in the UK
Malcolm Heath, Michael Jubb and David Robey review recent UK discussions and evidence about e-publishing and open access, their impact and implications for researchers in the arts and humanities. -
MCN 2007: Building Content, Building Community - 40 Years of Museum Information and Technology
Guenter Waibel and Jean Godby report on the Museum Computer Network annual meeting, held 7-10 November, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
SWORD: Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit
Julie Allinson, Sebastien Francois and Stuart Lewis describe the JISC-funded SWORD Project which has produced a lightweight protocol for repository deposit. -
Googlepository and the University Library
Sue Manuel and Charles Oppenheim discuss the concept of Google as a repository within the wider context of resource management and provision in Further and Higher Education. -
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Progress Towards Addressing Digital Preservation Challenges
Helen Hockx-Yu reports on the 2nd Planets, CASPAR and DPE annual conference, held on 5-6 September 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal. -
The DARE Chronicle: Open Access to Research Results and Teaching Material in the Netherlands
Leo Waaijers reflects on four years of progress and also looks ahead. -
ARROW and the RQF: Meeting the Needs of the Research Quality Framework Using an Institutional Research Repository
David Groenewegen and Andrew Treloar describe the role of repositories in the forthcoming Australian Research Quality Framework (RQF) and the responses of the ARROW Project to the needs of the RQF. -
Capacity Building: Spoken Word at Glasgow Caledonian University
Iain Wallace, Graeme West and David Donald give an account of the origins, nature and establishment of Spoken Word Services at Glasgow Caledonian University. -
ARROW, DART and ARCHER: A Quiver Full of Research Repository and Related Projects
Andrew Treloar and David Groenewegen describe three inter-related projects to support scholarly outputs and the e-research life cycle which have been funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government. -
Developing a Virtual Research Environment in a Portal Framework: The EVIE Project
Tracey Stanley provides an overview of the EVIE Project at the University of Leeds which was funded under the JISC Virtual Research Environments Programme. -
Hold It, Hold It ... Start Again: The Perils of Project Video Production
It's not like writing a paper. Film production, when the camera points at you, can challenge all sorts of sensitivities. Steve Hitchcock survived the ordeal to tell the story of the Preserv Project video. -
KIM Project Conference: Knowledge and Information Management through Life
Alex Ball provides an overview of the March 2007 KIM Project Conference. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The JISC Annual Conference 2007
Philip Pothen and colleagues provide an overview of the proceedings of this Spring's JISC Annual Conference. -
A Dublin Core Application Profile for Scholarly Works
Julie Allinson, Pete Johnston and Andy Powell describe a Dublin Core application profile for describing scholarly works that makes use of FRBR and the DCMI Abstract Model. -
Collecting Born Digital Archives at the Wellcome Library
Chris Hilton and Dave Thompson discuss plans for work with born digital archival material at the Wellcome Library. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 50: Side-Stepping Babel
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne 50. -
Limits to Information Transfer: The Boundary Problem
Jon E. Lervik, Mark Easterby-Smith, Kathryn Fahy and Carole Elliott discuss the challenges in integrating knowledge across boundaries between specialised knowledge communities within an organisation. -
Models of Early Adoption of ICT Innovations in Higher Education
Melanie Bates, Sue Manuel and Charles Oppenheim provide an overview of some considerations for change agents attempting to introduce an innovative new information communication technology service into Higher Education institutions. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Considering a Marketing and Communications Approach for an Institutional Repository
Heleen Gierveld proposes a market-oriented approach to increase the rate of deposit to an institutional repository. -
GROW: Building a High-quality Civil Engineering Learning Object Repository and Portal
Yan Han provides a general overview of the Geotechnical, Rock and Water Digital Library (GROW), a learning object repository and peer-reviewed civil engineering Web portal. -
Workshop on E-Research, Digital Repositories and Portals
Rob Allan, Rob Crouchley and Caroline Ingram report on a two-day workshop held at University of Lancaster over 6-7 September 2006 -
A Foundation for Automatic Digital Preservation
Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista and Jose Carlos Ramalho propose a Service-Oriented Architecture to help cultural heritage institutions to accomplish automatic digital preservation. -
Fedora Users Conference
Chris Awre and Richard Green report from the Fedora Users Conference, a two-day meeting for users of the open source Fedora repository system held at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, over 19-20 June 2006. -
ShibboLEAP: Seven Libraries and a LEAP of Faith
Martin Moyle introduces the ShibboLEAP Project, a multi-institution Shibboleth adoption in London, and hopes that later adopters will benefit from its findings. -
Stargate: Exploring Static Repositories for Small Publishers
R. John Robertson introduces a project examining the potential benefits of OAI-PMH Static Repositories as a means of enabling small publishers to participate more fully in the information environment. -
C21st Curation Summer 2005 Public Lecture Series
Neil Beagrie and Helen Forde report on the public lecture series 'C21st Curation: working with digital assets in the new Millennium - challenges and opportunities' held at University College London over May and June 2005, and on plans for a second series in 2006. -
Delivering Open Access: From Promise to Practice
Derek Law predicts how the open access agenda will develop over the next ten years. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Research Libraries Engage the Digital World: A US-UK Comparative Examination of Recent History and Future Prospects
Clifford Lynch looks at how the emergence of e-research has changed our thinking about the future of research libraries on both sides of the Atlantic. -
DAEDALUS: Delivering the Glasgow EPrints Service
Morag Greig and William Nixon describe the key aims and findings of the DAEDALUS Project and the Glasgow ePrints Service. -
Repositories, Copyright and Creative Commons for Scholarly Communication
Esther Hoorn considers ways librarians can support scholars in managing the demands of copyright so as to respond to the needs of scholarly communication. -
Integration and Impact: The JISC Annual Conference
Marieke Guy has collated reports on sessions from the JISC Annual Conference held in Birmingham. -
Involving Users in the Development of a Web Accessibility Tool
Jenny Craven and Mikael Snaprud describe how the EC-funded European Internet Accessibility Observatory Project is involving users in the development of a Web accessibility checking and monitoring tool. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Supporting Local Data Users in the UK Academic Community
Luis Martinez and Stuart Macdonald discuss the differing areas of expertise within the UK data libraries with particular reference to their relationship with National Data Centres, the role of the Data Information Specialists Committee - UK (DISC-UK) and other information specialists. -
Virtual Research Environments: Overview and Activity
Michael Fraser provides an overview of the virtual research environment (VRE) and introduces three JISC-funded projects in which Oxford University is participating. -
Digital Preservation: Best Practice and Its Dissemination
Neil Beagrie describes the development and subsequent use of a digital preservation handbook and future plans for expansion of its use in training and professional practice. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 43: When Technology Alone Is Not Enough
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 43. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions
Leona Carpenter describes a JISC development programme tackling the organisational and technical challenges facing Higher and Further Education in the UK. -
United Kingdom Serials Group Conference 2005
Sarah Pearson reports on the annual 3-day UK Serials Group (UKSG) conference recently held at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. -
Recasting the Past: Digital Histories
Vanessa Carr reports on a one day conference about digitising historical records, held jointly by the Association for History and Computing UK and the Royal Historical Society. -
The National Centre for Text Mining: Aims and Objectives
Sophia Ananiadou, Julia Chruszcz, John Keane, John McNaught and Paul Watry describe NaCTeM's plans to provide text mining services for UK academics. -
Tracing Help With Copyright: New AHDS Case Studies on Copyright Issues
Alastair Dunning provides an overview of case studies published by the Arts and Humanities Data Service in that persistent minefield of respecting copyright. -
Developing Portal Services and Evaluating How Users Want to Use Them: The CREE Project
Chris Awre, Matthew J Dovey, Jon Hunter, William Kilbride and Ian Dolphin describe the JISC-funded Contextual Resource Evaluation Environment (CREE) Project and its user and technical investigations to examine how users wish to use library search services. -
Angela Joyce shares her personal impressions from the recent European Digital Libraries Conference in Bath; Emma Place introduces a new seminar series to support online information seeking in the social sciences. -
The Dawning of DARE: A Shared Experience
Annemiek van der Kuil and Martin Feijen describe the first year of the DARE Project and its foundation of the OAI repositories of Dutch academic output. -
PALS Conference: Institutional Repositories and Their Impact on Publishing
Kurt Paulus describes for us the Publisher and Library/Learning Solutions (PALS) Conference held in London this June. -
Rights Management and Digital Library Requirements
Karen Coyle describes some aspects of rights expression languages favoured by the commercial content industries and how these may differ from the rights needs of digital libraries. -
Targeting Academic Research With Southampton's Institutional Repository
Jessie Hey describes how user needs have influenced the evolutionary development of 'e-Prints Soton' as the University of Southampton Research Repository. -
At the Event: The EPrints UK Workshop
Phil Cross, Debra Hiom and Emma Place report on this workshop which was held at the University of Bath in February 2004. -
Can We Save Our Audio-visual Heritage?
Daniel Teruggi describes PrestoSpace, the new FP6 Integrated project for the preservation of our disappearing audio-visual heritage. -
ERPANET / CODATA Workshop, Lisbon
Michael Day gives us a detailed report on the ERPANET / CODATA Workshop held at the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, 15-17 December 2003. -
The Biggest Digital Library Conference in the World
John Paschoud reports on the International Conference on Digital Libraries held in New Delhi, India, 24-27 February 2004. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 37: Monocultures Threaten More Than Species
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue issue 37. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
OAI: The Fourth Open Archives Forum Workshop
Manjula Patel provides us with an overview of the 4th Open Archives Forum Workshop. -
Trends in Self-Posting of Research Material Online by Academic Staff
Theo Andrew sheds some light on current trends in posting research material online with a case study from The University of Edinburgh. -
Web Focus: Widening the Focus for the Future
Brian Kelly reviews the history of the Web Focus post and describes funding changes which gives Web Focus a much wider remit. -
MIMAS Ten Years on
Julia Chruszcz looks at the ten years of MIMAS as a JISC-designated national data centre. -
The Intellectual Property Rights Workshop
William J. Nixon and Jessie Hey co-report on the JISC IPR workshop held in London, May 2003. -
The RoMEO Project: Protecting Metadata in an Open Access Environment
Elizabeth Gadd, Charles Oppenheim and Steve Probets describe how the RoMEO Project is seeking to safeguard freely available metadata disclosed and harvested under the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
eBank UK: Building the Links Between Research Data, Scholarly Communication and Learning
Liz Lyon describes some new digital library development activities and considers the implications of linking research and learning outputs in an environment of assured data provenance. -
Mandated Online RAE CVs Linked to University Eprint Archives: Enhancing UK Research Impact and Assessment
Stevan Harnad, Les Carr, Tim Brody and Charles Oppenheim make a case for maximising the advantages and the UK's pre-eminence in the Research Assessment Exercise. -
Syndicated Content: It's More Than Just Some File Formats?
Paul Miller takes a look at issues arising from the current enthusiasm for syndicating content to portals or other web sites, and offers some guidelines for good practice. -
Climbing the Scholarly Publishing Mountain With SHERPA
John MacColl and Stephen Pinfield explore the SHERPA project, which is concentrating on making e-prints available online. -
Another Piece of Cake?
Anders Ardö, Sigfrid Lundberg and Ann-Sofie Zettergren with an overview of the history of Netlab, now ten years old. -
Collection Description in Focus
Clare McVeigh and Dierdre Wildy: A Report on the Collection Description Focus Workshops, Nov 2001-Mar 2002 -
Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Strategy for the UK
by John MacColl considers a strategy for electronic theses and dissertations in the United Kingdom. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Collection Description Focus: Spreading the Gospel
Bridget Robinson and Pete Johnston with an overview of CLD activities in the first year. -
Setting up an Institutional E-Print Archive
Stephen Pinfield, Mike Gardner, and John MacColl with some practical advice on setting up an e-print archive. -
The AIM25 Project
Robert Baxter, Frances Blomeley and Rachel Kemsley present AIM25, a project providing electronic access to descriptions of archives held in various London institutions. -
The Open Archives Forum
Susanne Dobratz, Friederike Schimmelpfennig and Peter Schirmbacher introduce the new Open Archives Forum project to promote the ideas of the OAI in Europe. -
eVALUEd: An Evaluation Model for e-Library Developments
Becky Hartland-Fox and Pete Dalton on a project to develop a transferable model for e-library evaluation. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Collective Convergence: The Work of the Collection Description Focus
Pete Johnston and Bridget Robinson outline the work of the Collection Description Focus. -
Developing an Agenda for Institutional E-Print Archives
Philip Hunter, John MacColl and Marieke Napier report on a one day Open Archives conference on OAI compliant metadata and e-print issues. Held at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London. 11 July 2001. -
Establishing a Digital Library Centre
John Kirriemuir outlines some of the issues for the establishment of digital library centres in UK Higher Education institutions. -
Metadata: E-print Services and Long-term Access to the Record of Scholarly and Scientific Research
Michael Day looks at the long-term preservation implications of one of the OAI protocol's potential applications - e-print services. -
Personalization of Web Services: Opportunities and Challenges
Monica Bonett gives an overview of personalization on the World Wide Web and discusses ideas for development within resource discovery systems. -
The eLib Hybrid Library Projects
Michael Breaks provides an overview of BUILDER, AGORA, MALIBU, HeadLine and HyLife -
Ancient World, Digital World: Excavation at Halif
Paul Jacobs on how field and research strategies were impacted significantly by the use of digital technology in the 1999 field season at Tell Halif, Israel (the Lahav Research Project). -
E-Books for Students: EBONI
Ruth Wilson on how the EBONI project will investigate the usability of e-books through user evaluations. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 27: The Digital Library Jigsaw
Philip Hunter opens the box and looks at some of the choicest pieces of Ariadne issue 27. -
Metadata (2): Towards Consensus on Educational Metadata
Paul Miller describes the work of the UK's new cross-sectoral Metadata for Education Group (MEG) and calls for widespread support of their first deliverable: the MEG Concord. -
The Digital Preservation Coalition
Neil Beagrie reports on proposals to establish a Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK. -
After eLib
Chris Rusbridge, the former Director of the UK Electronic Libraries Programme, with an assessment of its achievements and legacy. -
Paula Manning with a brief report on the official launch of BIOME at the Royal Society on the 2nd of November 2000. -
Exam Papers Online
Sally Rumsey on an innovative system for providing electronic access to examination papers. -
Travelling at the Speed of Discovery: The MALIBU Project's Most Valuable Lessons
Valeda Dent with a newcomer's perspective on the MALIBU project. -
Web Watch: WebWatching eLib Project Web Sites
Brian Kelly is WebWatching the eLib Project Sites. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 25: Beyond the Web Site
Philip Hunter on the contents of Ariadne issue 25 and recent developments in the world of Digital Library initiatives. -
Metadata: Towards the Intelligent Museum
Paul Miller and Alice Grant explore CIMI: the collections standards organization which JISC has just joined. -
The Klearinghouse: An Inventory of Knowledge Technologies
George Brett discusses part of a model of distributed user support, The Klearinghouse. The National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) has been actively supporting high performance applications and networking for the past five years. The Klearinghouse is a next generation effort of the Advanced Applications Clearinghouse which is in the Distributed Applications Support Team of the NLANR. -
Virtual Universities: Institutional Issues for Information Professionals
Jonathan Foster examines the institutional implications of networked approaches to learning for information professionals. -
Web Focus: Institutional Web Management Workshop - The Joined Up Web
Brian Kelly reports on the "Institutional Web Management Workshop: The Joined-Up Web" event, held in Bath. -
Adaptive Developments for Learning in the Hybrid Library
Wilma Alexander on the SELLIC Project and its aim to support the use of electronic resources in teaching science and engineering. -
Agora: From Information Maze to Market
Bridget Robinson, David Palmer and Rosemary Russell outline the Agora cross-searching software project, and its technical background. -
Interoperability: What Is It and Why Should I Want It?
Paul Miller explains what interoperability is and why you should want it. -
Planet SOSIG
Justine Kitchen of the Resource Discovery Network Centre reports on the recent SOSIG relaunch, and Debra Hiom explores New Learning and Teaching Support Networks in the Social Sciences -
Digitizing Intellectual Property: The Oxford Scoping Study
Stuart Lee discusses the Mellon Digitization Scoping Study for Oxford University. -
Electronic Publication of Ancient Near Eastern Texts
Charles E. Jones and David Schloen report on a Chicago conference which explored XML tagging for Ancient Near Eastern Texts on the Web. -
Planet SOSIG: Asking Questions - The CASS Social Survey Question Bank
Adam Guy writes about the Question Bank service. -
Public Libraries and Community Networks: Linking Futures Together?
Malabika Das argues public libraries and community networks have a future together. -
The ResIDe Electronic Library: An Evolving Library Service
Christine Dugdale looks at the progress of this project to a functional service. -
ECMS: Technology Issues and Electronic Copyright Management Systems
Pedro Isaias looks at the relevant ECMS e-Commerce technology. -
EEVL: 'Not a Success'
Roddy Macleod embarks on a tendentious argument. -
The Scholarly Journal in Transition and the PubMed Central Proposal
Michael Day discusses the scholarly journal in transition and the PubMed Central proposal. -
Bibliotecas Universitarias Consorcio
Agnès Guyon reports on a seminar in Aveiro, Portugal, 26th and 27th April 1999. -
Planet SOSIG
Karen Ford examines The Resource Guide, which aims to provide staff and students in HE with an overview of electronic services. -
Public Libraries: Virtual Library - False Dawn?
Frank Webster and Lorcan Dempsey exchange views on virtual libraries. -
Instructional Management Systems
John MacColl explores the IMS concept in the context of the SELLIC project. -
SEAMLESS: Introduction to the Project
Mary Rowlatt describes SEAMLESS, the Essex-based project. -
CATRIONA II Management Survey
Dennis Nicholson and Martin Smith provide a summary report of selected results from the CATRIONA II survey on the University Management of Electronic Resources. -
Knowledge Management
Sheila Corrall asks if 'knowledge management' is a new phrase in place of 'information management', or a new concept altogether. -
Michael Day on a Biodiversity conference in the States interested in Metadata. -
View from the Hill: Mark Clark
Mark Clark risks the longer view. -
What Are Document Management Systems?
Brian Kelly explains the concept of document management systems. -
Electronic Access: Archives in the New Millennium
Michael Day reports from Kew on the Public Record Office view of the Brave New World of online archives. -
A National Co-ordinating Body for Digital Archiving?
David Haynes discusses one possible way forward for ensuring that potentially valued digital materials are preserved for future study and use. -
Kay Flatten outlines the aims of the TAPin project, which is now approaching the publication of its "Impact Study". -
Electronic Resource Creation and Management at Scottish Universities
Dennis Nicholson and Martin Smith describe the Catriona II project. -
Rosemary Russell reports on MODELS workshop, held on 5-6 February 1998. -
View from the Hill: Mel Collier
Lyndon Pugh talks to Mel Collier, previously Director of the International Institute for Electronic Library Research at De Montfort University and now Director of Strategic and Operational Planning at Dawson Holdings plc. -
Ian Winkworth describes a Hybrid Library project for all. -
The British Library's Digital Libraries Programme
Lyndon Pugh meets with Sue Howley to discuss the British Library's digital research programme. -
Are Print Journals Dinosaurs?
Tony Kidd wonders if he and and his kind are palæontologists. -
Metadata Corner: DC5 - the Search for Santa
Tony Gill and Paul Miller's report from the 5th Dublin Core metdata conference in Helsinki. -
View from the Hill: David VandeLinde
Isobel Stark interviewed Professor David VandeLinde about the Dearing Report. -
Theses Unbound
Alason Roberts looks at the use of theses in academic libraries. -
Setting Priorities for Digital Library Research
Graham Jefcoate outlines the rationale of the British Library Research and Innovation Centre's Digital Library Research Programme. -
Linda Kerr introduces a project from the Access to Network Resources section of the eLib programme which takes a holistic approach to providing access to high quality on-line engineering resources. -
Indian Ocean Rim Region Virtual Library Project
Susan Lutley describes a prototype virtual library, built as part of a co-operative venture focusing on broad issues in Social Development within the Indian Ocean Rim Region. -
Leah Halliday believes there is SCOPE for a major shift in the publication of study texts. -
The Librarian of Babel: The Key to the Stacks
The Librarian, ably assisted by Mike Holderness, considers one of the obstacles to the unhindered dissemination of human knowledge, and makes a modest proposal. -
The NHS, the Internet and Libraries: The NHS Anglia and Oxford Internet Project
Judy Palmer and Myles Chippendale describe an initiative that is using the Internet to connect widely dispersed health libraries. -
CEI Looks for Bold Response
John MacColl describes the new call for proposals for further eLib programme work. -
Down Your Way: The Natural History Museum
John Kirriemuir takes in megabytes of trilobites at the Natural History Museum. -
Formats for the Electronic Library
Judith Wusteman describes the document formats used in electronic serials. -
From MERCI to DESIRE: European Digital Library Projects
Dave Hartland writes the Netskills Corner column for this edition. In it, he provides a brief overview of some of the EU-funded Telematics for Research projects. -
Introducing Web Focus
UK Web Focus - a strange job title. What is it? What does it do? In this article Brian Kelly describes his role as UK Web Focus, his previous involvement with the Web and his work as the JISC representative on the World Wide Web Consortium. -
RUDI: Resource for Urban Design Information Services
Alan Reeve maps out a new site in urban design. -
The Paper House of Cards (And Why It's Taking So Long to Collapse)
In our previous issue, Fytton Rowland defended the continuation of print research journals into the networked age. Here, Stevan Harnad presents a different case. -
Web Editorial: Introduction to Issue 8
John Kirriemuir with the editorial for the Web version of Ariadne issue 8. -
Acrobat a High Flyer: John MacColl Discusses the Success of Adobe Acrobat and PDF
Acrobat a High Flyer: John MacColl discusses the success of Adobe Acrobat and PDF. -
Data Archive at the University of Essex
Denise Lievesley and Bridget Winstanley describe this national resource centre for computer-readable data in the social sciences and humanities. -
Print Journals: Fit for the Future?
Do authors choose to appear in print journals for the wrong reasons? Do print journals continue for the wrong reasons? In short, are print research journals a corrupt form of scholarly communication? We asked Fytton Rowland to provide a defence of the traditional scholarly journal. In our next journal we shall provide a perspective from the other side of the debate. -
Promoting the Internet to Staff at a UK University
Paul Hollands is the human part of a project to promote the use of Internet based information services among teaching and research staff at the university; in his own words, this is how the project has progressed to date. -
British Library Corner: Setting Priorities for Digital Library Research, The Beginnings of a Process?
Graham Jefcoate describes the background behind the recently announced British Library Research and Innovation Centre call for proposals in the field of digital library research. -
ILRT: The Institute for Learning and Research Technology
Gillian Austen, External Relations Manager at the recently founded Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the University of Bristol, gives an overview of its structure and objectives. -
Jon Knight investigates what is meant by the current buzzword intranet and looks at how it may be applied in a library environment. A suggestion for a low cost entry level intranet solution is also given. -
OMNI-Corner: Meeting the Visible Human
Sue Welsh reports from the Visible Human Project Conference of October 1996, an event that brought together many of the people involved with one of the most high profile Internet-based medical resources. -
British Library Corner: Text and the Internet
Graham Jefcoate, a Research Analyst from the British Library Research and Innovation Centre will be writing this regular column for the remaining issues of Ariadne. In this issue, Graham gives us the text of his Libtech talk: Text and the Internet. -
Julia A. Rudy, Cause/Effect Editor and Director of Publications at CAUSE, an international, nonprofit professional association for managers and users of information resources on college and university campuses, describes CAUSE/EFFECT. -
CTI (Computers in Teaching Initiative)
The CTI, set up in 1989, offers a UK-wide service to academic staff in higher education institutions through its network of 24 subject-based centres. Joyce Martin, acting head of the CTI Support Service, describes this HEFCE funded initiative. -
Croatian Libraries: The War Is Behind Us, What Brings the Future?
Croatian Libraries: "The war is behind us, what brings the future?": Jadranka Stojanovski, the head of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute Library, describes the post-war progress made in implementing IT and networks in Croatian Libraries. -
European Libraries Programme
The European Libraries Programme - instant cash for libraries who can hitch a ride on the Euro gravy train? Or another limited budget R&D programme for those content to live on bread and water? Rosalind Johnson of the UK National Focal Point for the European Libraries Programme explains all. -
JISC Projects Ahead
John MacColl outlines some of the key points in JISCÆs five year strategy document. -
TLTP: Teaching and Learning Technology Programme
Joanna Tiley describes TLTP. The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme, funded by the UK Higher Education Funding Councils of the UK, is a collection of 70+ projects aimed to 'make teaching and learning more productive and efficient by harnessing modern technology'. -
ADAM: Information Gateway to Resources on the Internet in Art, Design, Architecture and Media
Nearly half a year after the project’s official start date, ADAM has a fledgling information gateway to information on the Internet in art, design, architecture and media. Tony Gill, ADAM Project Leader, outlines what has been achieved so far, and some of the challenges that lie directly ahead. -
Mailbase Reviewed
Terry Hanson reviews the mother of academic mailing list systems in the UK. -
Meta Detectors
Lorcan Dempsey talks about metadata and the development of resource discovery services in the UK. -
Copyright Corner
Charles Oppenheim details some of the legal issues associated with electronic copyright management systems. -
E-print Archives: Key to Paperless Journals
John MacColl on why electronic print archives are the key to paperless journals. -
EduLib: The National Network of Electronic Library Accredited Trainers
EduLib is an eLib project from the training and awareness section of the programme. Jane Core describes the project, and how it will affect librarians in the Higher Education community.