Rose Holley describes a major development in the Australian national digital information infrastructure.
Emma Tonkin investigates ebooks and takes a look at recent technological and business developments in this area.
Richard Green and
Chris Awre investigate what role a repository can play in enabling and supporting the management and preservation of its own digital content.
Talat Chaudhri makes a detailed assessment of the FRBR structure of the Dublin Core Application Profiles funded by JISC.
Leo Waaijers reflects on four years of progress and also looks ahead.
Aaron Krowne and
Urvashi Gadi present a framework which improves searching in the context of scholarly digital libraries by taking a 'quality metrics-aware' approach.
Ed Summers describes Net::OAI::Harvester, the Perl package for easily interacting with OAI-PMH repositories as a metadata harvester. Ed provides examples of how to use Net::OAI::Harvester to write short programs which execute each of the 6 OAI-PMH verbs.
Dey Alexander reports on a recent study of the accessibility of Australian university Web sites.
Brett Burridge describes the Index Server Companion, an application he has created that allows Microsoft Index Server to index content from remote websites and ODBC databases.
Roddy Macleod on the hub's 'EEVL-ution' to a portal.
Brian Kelly on techniques for extending the capabilities of your browser.
Brian Kelly sums up conclusions from the WebWatch Project.
Brett Burridge introduces his regular column on Windows NT with a description of Site Server's search facility.
Jon Knight looks at how the Web is currently undergoing the sometimes painful internationalization process required if it is to live up to its name of the World Wide Web.
Brian Kelly looks beneath the surface of HTML pages and provides advice on the design of the underlying directory structure.