Dave Thompson sets out the pragmatic approach to preferred file formats for long-term preservation used at the Wellcome Library.
Brian Whalley reports on his initial impressions of the new Apple iPad in the first three weeks since its release in the USA and what it has to offer the mobile educator.
Laura Akerman and
Kim Durante report on Discovery to Delivery, Creating a First-Class User Experience, a NISO Forum on today's information seekers and current standards developments held in March 2010 at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center.
Emma Tonkin investigates ebooks and takes a look at recent technological and business developments in this area.
Katherine Allen reports on Internet Librarian International 2009 which took place in London on 15 and 16 October 2009.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Mahendra Mahey reports on the third international Open Repositories 2008 Conference, held at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton in April 2008.
Stuart Hannabuss looks at an interesting Nile cruise of a book about intellectual property.
Neil Beagrie and
Mark Bide report on a one-day invitational workshop on Digital Policy Management sponsored by The British Library, JISC and UKOLN under the aegis of the British Library/JISC Partnership, held in the British Library Conference Centre on 24 April 2006.
Duncan Burbidge describes a new approach to digitising an archive both as a future-proof substitute and for Web delivery.
Julie Allinson and
Mahendra Mahey report on a 2-day JISC Digital Repositories Meeting focusing on project clusters working together and other related issues held by JISC in Warwick, UK over 27-28 March 2006.
Philip Hunter gives a personal view of this workshop held in Glasgow, 30 June - 1 July, supported by NISO, CETIS, ERPANET, UKOLN and the DCC.
Stuart Hannabuss likes the way this book reminds us that information professionals need to apply the law and not merely know it.
Karen Coyle describes some aspects of rights expression languages favoured by the commercial content industries and how these may differ from the rights needs of digital libraries.
Penny Garrod brings us up to date on developments in ebooks.
John MacColl reports on a selection of the papers given at this conference in Roanoake, Virginia, June 24-28 2001.
Manjula Patel reviews the two-day workshop on current and emerging standards for managing digital video content held in Atlanta, Georgia, 15-16 August 2001.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.