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Characterising and Preserving Digital Repositories: File Format Profiles
Steve Hitchcock and David Tarrant show how file format profiles, the starting point for preservation plans and actions, can also be used to reveal the fingerprints of emerging types of institutional repositories. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 65: Ariadne in Search of Your Views
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 65. -
From Passive to Active Preservation of Electronic Records
Heather Briston and Karen Estlund provide a narrative of the process adopted by the University of Oregon in order to integrate electronic records management into its staff's workflow.
The Digital Preservation Roadshow 2009-10: The Incomplete Diaries of Optimistic Travellers
William Kilbride and Malcolm Todd report on the Digital Preservation Roadshow - an eleven month tour of the UK and Ireland designed to provide archivists and record managers with practical advice and support in managing digital resources. -
The REMAP Project: Steps Towards a Repository-enabled Information Environment
Richard Green and Chris Awre investigate what role a repository can play in enabling and supporting the management and preservation of its own digital content. -
Preserving Local Archival Heritage for Ongoing Accessibility
Frances Boyle, Alexandra Eveleigh and Heather Needham describe the recent digital preservation initiatives in the local authority archives sector. -
OAI-ORE, PRESERV2 and Digital Preservation
Sally Rumsey and Ben O'Steen describe OAI-ORE and how it can contribute to digital preservation activities. -
2nd International DCC Conference 2006: Digital Data Curation in Practice
Alexander Ball and Manjula Patel provide an overview of the second annual conference of the Digital Curation Centre. -
A Foundation for Automatic Digital Preservation
Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista and Jose Carlos Ramalho propose a Service-Oriented Architecture to help cultural heritage institutions to accomplish automatic digital preservation. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.