Buzz - Dvd
ECLAP 2013: Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment
Marieke Guy reports on the second international conference held by ECLAP, the e-library for performing arts.
23rd International CODATA Conference
Alex Ball reports on a conference on ‘Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet’ held by the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on 28–31 October 2012.
Peculiarities of Digitising Materials from the Collections of the National Academy of Sciences, Armenia
Alan Hopkinson and Tigran Zargaryan give an overview of their experience of digitising paper-based materials in the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences, Armenia including some of the obstacles encountered during image processing and optical character recognition.
Book Review: From Lending to Learning
Tim Davies reviews a spirited defence of public libraries, which tries to define their core purpose and which argues for a re-positioning of their place in society.
Book Review: Practical Open Source Software for Libraries
Muhammad Rafiq takes a look at a work on the open source community and open source software. -
Turning Off Tap Into Bath
Ann Chapman describes the lifecycle of a demonstrator database and the development of a preservation policy for its content and software. -
From Passive to Active Preservation of Electronic Records
Heather Briston and Karen Estlund provide a narrative of the process adopted by the University of Oregon in order to integrate electronic records management into its staff's workflow.
Learning to YODL: Building York's Digital Library
Peri Stracchino and Yankui Feng describe a year's progress in building the digital library infrastructure outlined by Julie Allinson and Elizabeth Harbord in their article last issue. -
Book Review: Managing Electronic Government Information in Libraries
Sylvie Lafortune reviews a book which addresses the following question: From e-government to t-government. How will libraries keep up? -
The Video Active Consortium: Europe's Television History Online
Johan Oomen and Vassilis Tzouvaras provide an insight into the background and development of the Video Active Portal which offers access to television heritage material from leading archives across Europe. -
RDA: A New International Standard
Ann Chapman describes work on the new cataloguing code, Resource Description and Access (RDA), based on the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR). -
Video Streaming of Events
Greg Tourte and Emma Tonkin describe the set-up and use of video streaming technology at the IWMW 2006 event. -
Delivering Open Access: From Promise to Practice
Derek Law predicts how the open access agenda will develop over the next ten years. -
Accessibility: The Current Situation and New Directions
Kevin Carey describes accessibility by disabled people to digital information systems across broadcasting, telecommunications and the Internet, looks into the future and makes recommendations. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Convergence of Electronic Entertainment and Information Systems
John Kirriemuir explores the technology and impact of expanding internet access.