Buzz - E Science
Mining the Archives: Metadata Development and Implementation
Martin White looks through the Ariadne archive to track the development and implementation of metadata in a variety of settings.
Book Review: Information Consulting - Guide to good practice
Martin White reviews a book written by three experienced consultants that seeks to support information professionals in setting themselves up as consultants.
Mining the Archive: eBooks
Martin White looks through the Ariadne archive to track the development of ebooks.
Upskilling Liaison Librarians for Research Data Management
Andrew Cox, Eddy Verbaan and Barbara Sen explore the design of a curriculum to train academic librarians in the competencies to support Research Data Management.
Data Citation and Publication by NERC’s Environmental Data Centres
Sarah Callaghan, Roy Lowry, David Walton and members of the Natural Environment Research Council Science Information Strategy Data Citation and Publication Project team describe their work in NERC’s Environmental Data Centres.
Data Science Professionals: A Global Community of Sharing
Sylvie Lafortune reports on the 37th annual conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST), held over 30 May – 3 June 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The Informatics Transform: Re-engineering Libraries for the Data Decade
Liz Lyon proposes that libraries re-position, re-profile and ramp up their engagement with research data management, scholarly communications and citizen science.
Book Review: The Expert Library
Sylvie Lafortune reviews a book taking a hard look at academic libraries, how they are being redefined and what skills will be required of the staff who will move them forward. -
Mike Jones, Simon Price, Nikki Rogers and Damian Steer describe the rationale, aims and progress of MyMobileBristol, highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen during the project. -
Towards Interoperabilty of European Language Resources
Sophia Ananiadou and colleagues describe an ambitious new initiative to accelerate Europe-wide language technology research, helped by their work on promoting interoperability of language resources. -
Developments in Virtual 3D Imaging of Cultural Artefacts
Richard Collmann describes how experience using a portable Virtual 3D Object Rig in cultural institutions has led to significant improvements in apparatus design and workflow. -
International Digital Curation Conference 2010
Alex Ball reports on the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, held on 7-8 December 2010 in Chicago. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 65: Ariadne in Search of Your Views
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 65. -
Moving Researchers across the EResearch Chasm
Malcolm Wolski and Joanna Richardson outline an Australian initiative to address technology challenges within current research paradigms. -
Data Services for the Sciences: A Needs Assessment
Brian Westra describes a data services needs assessment for science research staff at the University of Oregon. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 64: Supporting the Power of Research Data
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 64. -
International UPA 2010 Conference User Experience Design for the World
Liza Zamboglou and Lorraine Paterson report on the Usability Professionals' Association's International Conference held in Munich, Germany in May 2010. -
Usability Inspection of Digital Libraries
Lorraine Paterson and Boon Low highlight findings from the usability inspection report conducted for the UX2.0 research project. -
A Research Revolution: The Impact of Digital Technologies
Dicky Maidment-Otlet and Judy Redfearn describe a new JISC activity to highlight how digital technologies are changing research. -
Fedora UK & Ireland / EU Joint User Group Meeting
Chris Awre reports on the first coming together of two regional user groups for the Fedora digital repository system, hosted by the University of Oxford in December 2009. -
Enhancing Scientific Communication through Aggregated Publications
Arjan Hogenaar describes changes in the publication and communication process which will mean that the role of authors will become a more prominent one. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
E-Curator: A 3D Web-based Archive for Conservators and Curators
Mona Hess, Graeme Were, Ian Brown, Sally MacDonald, Stuart Robson and Francesca Simon Millar describe a project which combines 3D colour laser scanning and e-Science technologies for capturing and sharing very large 3D scans and datasets about museum artefacts in a secure computing environment. -
Eduserv Symposium 2009: Evolution Or Revolution: The Future of Identity and Access Management for Research
Shirley Williams reports on the Eduserv Foundation Symposium which took as its theme investigate the intersection between identity management, access management and scholarly research collaboration across institutional and geographic boundaries. -
Research Data Preservation and Access: The Views of Researchers
Neil Beagrie, Robert Beagrie and Ian Rowlands present findings from a UKRDS survey of researchers' views on and practices for preservation and dissemination of research data in four UK universities. -
NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure Software Sustainability
Paul Walk reports on a two-day NSF-sponsored workshop held at Indiana University, on 26-27 March 2009. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
To VRE Or Not to VRE?: Do South African Malaria Researchers Need a Virtual Research Environment?
Heila Pienaar and Martie van Deventer identify the requirements of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for malaria researchers in South Africa. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 58: People Still Matter
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 58. -
Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) Fall Meeting
Paul Walk reports on the Sun-PASIG winter meeting held in Baltimore, USA on 18-20 November 2008. -
Supporting eResearch: The Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative
Ann Borda reports on the Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI). -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
eResearch Australasia 2008
Tobias Blanke, Ann Borda, Gaby Bright and Bridget Soulsby report on the annual eResearch Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne, Australia, 29 September - 3 October, 2008. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Developing the Capability and Skills to Support EResearch
Margaret Henty provides an Australian perspective on improving the environment in which eResearch is conducted through developing institutional capability and providing appropriate skills training. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
South African Repositories: Bridging Knowledge Divides
Martie van Deventer and Heila Pienaar provide us with background to recent South African repository initiatives and detail an example of knowledge transfer from one institution to another. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The National Centre for Text Mining: A Vision for the Future
Sophia Ananiadou describes NaCTeM and the main scientific challenges it helps to solve together with issues related to deployment, use and uptake of NaCTeM's text mining tools and services. -
Access to Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Development: Options for Developing Countries
Barbara Kirsop, Leslie Chan and Subbiah Arunachalam consider the impact of donor access and open access to research publications on the sustainable development of science in developing countries. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The JISC Annual Conference 2007
Philip Pothen and colleagues provide an overview of the proceedings of this Spring's JISC Annual Conference. -
What Is an Open Repository?
Julie Allinson, Jessie Hey, Chris Awre and Mahendra Mahey report on the Open Repositories 2007 conference, held in San Antonio, Texas between 23-26 January 2007. -
2nd International DCC Conference 2006: Digital Data Curation in Practice
Alexander Ball and Manjula Patel provide an overview of the second annual conference of the Digital Curation Centre. -
Workshop on E-Research, Digital Repositories and Portals
Rob Allan, Rob Crouchley and Caroline Ingram report on a two-day workshop held at University of Lancaster over 6-7 September 2006 -
e-Collaboration Workshop: Access Grid, Portals and Other VREs for the Social Sciences
Rob Allan, Rob Crouchley and Michael Daw cover a one-day workshop reporting on the latest developments in e-Collaboration technology and applications. -
JISC/CNI Conference, York 2006
Najla Semple and Robin Rice were at the JISC / CNI conference 'Envisioning future challenges in networked information'. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The Tasks of the AHDS: Ten Years on
Alastair Dunning reviews 10 years in the history of the Arts and Humanities Data Service. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Book Review: ARIST 39 - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
Michael Day reviews another recent volume of this key annual publication on information science and technology. -
C21st Curation Summer 2005 Public Lecture Series
Neil Beagrie and Helen Forde report on the public lecture series 'C21st Curation: working with digital assets in the new Millennium - challenges and opportunities' held at University College London over May and June 2005, and on plans for a second series in 2006. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Research Libraries Engage the Digital World: A US-UK Comparative Examination of Recent History and Future Prospects
Clifford Lynch looks at how the emergence of e-research has changed our thinking about the future of research libraries on both sides of the Atlantic. -
Digital Curation: Where Do We Go from Here?
Peter Kerr, Fiona Reddington and Max Wilkinson report on the 1st International Digital Curation Conference held in Bath in September 2005. -
Distributed Services Registry Workshop
John Gilby reports on the UKOLN/IESR two-day workshop at Scarman House, University of Warwick on 14-15 July 2005. -
DCC Workshop on Persistent Identifiers
Philip Hunter gives a personal view of this workshop held in Glasgow, 30 June - 1 July, supported by NISO, CETIS, ERPANET, UKOLN and the DCC. -
Integration and Impact: The JISC Annual Conference
Marieke Guy has collated reports on sessions from the JISC Annual Conference held in Birmingham. -
Virtual Research Environments: Overview and Activity
Michael Fraser provides an overview of the virtual research environment (VRE) and introduces three JISC-funded projects in which Oxford University is participating. -
Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions
Leona Carpenter describes a JISC development programme tackling the organisational and technical challenges facing Higher and Further Education in the UK. -
A Tradition of Scholarly Documentation for Digital Objects: The Launch of the Digital Curation Centre
Philip Hunter reports on the launch of the DCC at the National eScience Centre in Edinburgh, November 2004. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
ECDL 2004: A Digital Librarian's Report
Jessie Hey reports on the 8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries held at the University of Bath in September 2004. -
How the Use of Standards Is Transforming Australian Digital Libraries
Debbie Campbell explains how the exploitation of recent standards has allowed the National Library of Australia to digitise its collections and host federated search services and provide an improved service. -
Adding Value to the National Information Infrastructure: The EDINA Exchange Day, Edinburgh
John MacColl provides us with a report of EDINA's first general information event for the HE and FE communities held at the National E-Science Centre. -
PALS Conference: Institutional Repositories and Their Impact on Publishing
Kurt Paulus describes for us the Publisher and Library/Learning Solutions (PALS) Conference held in London this June. -
The Information Environment Service Registry: Promoting the Use of Electronic Resources
Amanda Hill outlines progress on the Information Environment Service Registry Project and explains what it will mean for service providers and portal developers. -
JISC Terminology Services Workshop
Sarah Shreeves reports on a one-day workshop on current developments and future directions for JISC terminology services held in London, February 2004. -
Towards the Digital Aquifer: Introducing the Common Information Environment
Paul Miller discusses current efforts by UK agencies to collaborate on a Common Information Environment that meets the diverse needs of current and future consumers of digital content and services. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
MIMAS Ten Years on
Julia Chruszcz looks at the ten years of MIMAS as a JISC-designated national data centre. -
Metadata Wanted for the Evanescent Library
John MacColl reports on Schemas and Ontologies: Building a Semantic Infrastructure for the GRID and Digital Libraries: a one-day workshop at the e-Science Institute, May 2003. -
eBank UK: Building the Links Between Research Data, Scholarly Communication and Learning
Liz Lyon describes some new digital library development activities and considers the implications of linking research and learning outputs in an environment of assured data provenance. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
The Information Grid
Ariadne reports on a one-day workshop on 'an interoperable environment to support research, learning and teaching' held at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh, April 30, 2002. -
Digital Curation: Digital Archives, Libraries and e-Science Seminar
Neil Beagrie and Philip Pothen report on the Digital Preservation day in October 2001, held in London.