Buzz - Ftp
Augmented Reality in Education: The SCARLET+ Experience
Laura Skilton, Matt Ramirez, Guyda Armstrong, Rose Lock, Jean Vacher and Marie-Therese Gramstadt describe augmented reality in education case studies from the University of Sussex and the University for the Creative Arts.
Motivations for the Development of a Web Resource Synchronisation Framework
Stuart Lewis, Richard Jones and Simeon Warner explain some of the motivations behind the development of the ResourceSync Framework.
Trove: Innovation in Access to Information in Australia
Rose Holley describes a major development in the Australian national digital information infrastructure. -
Abstract Modelling of Digital Identifiers
Nick Nicholas, Nigel Ward and Kerry Blinco present an information model of digital identifiers, to help bring clarity to the vocabulary debates from which this field has suffered. -
Institutional Repositories for Creative and Applied Arts Research: The Kultur Project
Andrew Gray discusses institutional repositories and the creative and applied arts specifically in relation to the JISC-funded Kultur Project. -
Publish and Cherish With Non-proprietary Peer Review Systems
Leo Waaijers urges Open Access-mandating research funders to extend OA publishing conditions by stimulating the market. -
Persistent Identifiers: Considering the Options
Emma Tonkin looks at the current landscape of persistent identifiers, describes several current services, and examines the theoretical background behind their structure and use. -
The Networked Library Service Layer: Sharing Data for More Effective Management and Cooperation
Janifer Gatenby identifies criteria for determining which data in various library systems could be more beneficially shared and managed at a network level. -
RepoMMan: Delivering Private Repository Space for Day-to-day Use
Richard Green and Chris Awre describe work undertaken at the University of Hull to place Web services at the heart of its personalised digital repository provision. -
Digitising an Archive: The Factory Approach
Duncan Burbidge describes a new approach to digitising an archive both as a future-proof substitute and for Web delivery. -
Retrospective on the RDN
Debra Hiom, in the first of a two-part series on the Resource Discovery Network, looks back at the development of the RDN and its activities to date. -
Delivering Open Access: From Promise to Practice
Derek Law predicts how the open access agenda will develop over the next ten years. -
Hyper Clumps, Mini Clumps and National Catalogues: Resource Discovery for the 21st Century
John Gilby reports on a one-day conference about resource discovery, held at the British Library Conference Centre, London in November. -
ERPANET / CODATA Workshop, Lisbon
Michael Day gives us a detailed report on the ERPANET / CODATA Workshop held at the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, 15-17 December 2003. -
Editorial Introduction to Ariadne Issue 39: Humanity V Technology, Which Is in the Driving Seat?
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 39. -
Through the Web Authoring Tools
Paul Browning offers a technical review of new approaches to Web publishing. -
DSpace Vs. ETD-db: Choosing Software to Manage Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Richard Jones examines the similarities and differences between DSpace and ETD-db to determine their applicability in a modern E-theses service. -
Web Focus: Guidelines for URI Naming Policies
Brian Kelly with some guidelines For URI naming policies in his regular column. -
Book Review: The Invisible Web
Marieke Napier reviews the book: The Invisible Web. -
Building ResourceFinder
Pete Cliff looks at how the RDN has utilised the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol. -
Content Management Systems: Who Needs Them?
Paul Browning and Mike Lowndes explore the CMS concept and look at the available tools. -
Search Engines: Goodbye Alta Vista, Hallo AllTheWeb
Phil Bradley's regular column. -
Metadata: E-print Services and Long-term Access to the Record of Scholarly and Scientific Research
Michael Day looks at the long-term preservation implications of one of the OAI protocol's potential applications - e-print services. -
OpenResolver: A Simple OpenURL Resolver
Andy Powell describes UKOLN's OpenResolver, a freely available demonstration OpenURL resolver. -
Exam Papers Online
Sally Rumsey on an innovative system for providing electronic access to examination papers. -
Leona Carpenter gives a personal view of the 'Logged into Economics' conference in Barcelona in June. -
ZOPE: Swiss Army Knife for the Web?
Paul Browning looks at this multiple authoring environment. -
Stuart Peters on EPRESS text management software tools, currently in development. -
Public Libraries and Community Networks: Linking Futures Together?
Malabika Das argues public libraries and community networks have a future together. -
Web Mirrors: Building the UK Mirror Service
Report on the UK Mirror Service by Mark Russell. -
An Overview of Subject Gateway Activities in Australia
Debbie Campbell looks at how the original criteria proposed for an IMesh map against these Australian initiatives. -
Search Engines: FAST, the Biggest and Best Yet?
Phil Bradley explains how 'FAST' has recently been launched as the most comprehensive of the search engines, and this article compares the FAST results with those of AltaVista and Northern Light. -
Windows NT Explorer
Brett Burridge on Internet Information Server (IIS 4.0) -
The Unix Column: 'Sandboxes Using Chroot'
Ian Peacock explains how the proliferation of network software brings increasing concerns about security, which can be countered by 'restricted perspectives'. -
Web Mirror: The National Mirror Service
Sally Hadland on the New National Mirror Service. -
The Web Editor: Institutional Troubleshooter
Stephen Emmott describes his experiences of content management at King's College London. -
Launching an Electronic Magazine: An Overview of Value-added Features and Services
Bernadette Daly looks at a variety of electronic publications as part of the research phase in the delivery of a new Web magazine. -
The ExamNet Project at De Montfort University
David James Houghton introduces the ExamNet Project, which offers access to past De Montfort University examination papers in electronic form. -
Transatlantic Bandwidth: How to Save Money on Your Costs
Sally Hadland, Information Officer at the Higher Education National Software Archive (HENSA), describes how using HENSA can save on transatlantic bandwidth. -
What Is a URI?
Ian Peacock explains 'URI' in plain English. -
Metadata: BIBLINK.Checksum
Ian Peacock and Andy Powell describe a proposed algorithm for calculating a checksum for Web pages. -
Panayiotis Periorellis and Walter Scales writes about the VERITY European Telematics Project. -
The Access Catalogue Gateway to Resources
Terry Hanson explores how libraries might develop effective ways of indicating their access arrangements to their users. -
Electronic Document Delivery: A Trial in an Academic Library
In part two of this report, Fiona Williams describes the trials of various electronic document delivery systems in University of Bath Library and Learning Centre over the last few years. -
Clifford Lynch in Interview
Clifford Lynch, the Executive Director of CNI, was interviewed by John Kirriemuir at the Metadata: What Is It? workshop on 18 June 1997. Clifford shares some views on mirroring, caching, metadata, Z39.50 and how he sees his role in CNI. -
Electronic Document Delivery: A Trial in an Academic Library
In the first of a two-part article, Fiona Williams describes the trials of various electronic document delivery systems in University of Bath Library and Learning Centre over the last few years. A review of the latest trial, between BL Urgent Action Service and TU DELFT, as well as an overall comparison with the Blackwell's Uncover Service will be given in the next issue of Ariadne. -
The Library Association Web Site
Alan Cooper and Finbarr Joy talk about the past, present and future of the Library Association Web Site. -
Around the Table: Social Sciences
Debra Hiom from SOSIG takes us on a guided tour of major Internet-based Social Science resources. -
Extending Metadata for Digital Preservation
Michael Day suggests how the concept of metadata could be extended to provide information in the specific field of digital preservation. -
Internationalisation and the Web
Jon Knight looks at how the Web is currently undergoing the sometimes painful internationalization process required if it is to live up to its name of the World Wide Web. -
Wire: Interview Via Email With Jon Knight and Martin Hamilton
In this interview we question Knight and Martin Hamilton and present their replies. -
Formats for the Electronic Library
Judith Wusteman describes the document formats used in electronic serials. -
Steve Mitchell describes INFOMINE, an impressive attempt to build a Web-based virtual library for the academic community. -
Making a MARC With Dublin Core
Jon Knight revisits his Perl module for processing MARC records that was introduced in the last issue and adds UNIMARC, USMARC and a script that converts Dublin Core metadata into USMARC records. -
Monash University Electronic Reserve Project
Hans W. Groenewegen, Debbie Hedger and Iris Radulescu describe Monash University's Electronic Reserve Project which is at the core of the electronic library project at the University's new Berwick campus. -
Performance and Security: Notes for System Administrators
Performance and Security - Notes for System Administrators: Andy Powell offers some hints and tips on the performance and security aspects of running electronic library services on UNIX based machines. -
The Paper House of Cards (And Why It's Taking So Long to Collapse)
In our previous issue, Fytton Rowland defended the continuation of print research journals into the networked age. Here, Stevan Harnad presents a different case. -
WoPEc: Electronic Working Papers in Economics Services
Thomas Krichel describes WoPEc, a working papers project. -
Handling MARC With PERL
Jon Knight investigates the inner workings of the MARC record's binary distribution format and presents the first cut at a Perl module to read and write MARC records. -
MCF: Will Dublin Form the Apple Core
Jon Knight looks at how Dublin Core and Apple's new MCF metadata file format might make useful and interesting bed fellows. -
Wire: Interview with Nick Gibbins
Nick Gibbins is put under the virtual spotlight to answer a few questions via email. -
10th Annual Anglo-Nordic Seminar
Kelly Russell from the eLib programme describes this seminar, which heavily featured speakers and current issues relevant to the UK digital libraries movement. -
Displaying SGML Documents on the World Wide Web
David Houghton discusses a method by which documents marked up using Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) can be used to generate a database for use in conjunction with the World Wide Web. -
How to Grow Gossamer and Keep It Untangled
George Munroe describes the experiences in establishing a large institutional web site. -
Minotaur: Nick Gibbins
In Minotaur, the collective voice of Internet enthusiasts is countered by words of scepticism or caution. In this issue, Nick Gibbins gives an overview of some of the potential features that the Web does not contain, but a more functional successor to it might. -
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship
Lori Widzinski, the editor, describes the evolution of MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship. -
Netskills Corner: Beneath the Surface of Your Web Pages
Brian Kelly looks beneath the surface of HTML pages and provides advice on the design of the underlying directory structure. -
Putting the UK on the Map
Peter Burden of the University of Wolverhampton's School of Computing and Information Technology describes the history behind his clickable maps of the UK, an essential and well established (though unfunded) resource for quickly locating academic and research Web sites. -
The Katharine Sharp Review
Kevin Ward, the editor of the Katherine Sharp Review, gives an overview of the first two years of this major journal for Librarians, and looks to its future. -
Cashing in on Caching
Jon Knight and Martin Hamilton describe Caching, possibly the most crucial tool available to frequent Web users, and point out why libraries should be aware of it. -
Serving the Arts and Humanities
Dan Greenstein gives an extensive description of AHDS, the Arts and Humanities Data Service: its objectives, organisation, and how the data will be collected, preserved and described.. -
View from the Hill
John MacColl meets Ian Kingston, a freelance copy-editor, proof-reader and typesetter. -
Dave Beckett and Neil Smith explain a search engine that only indexes sites in the domain. -
ADAM: Information Gateway to Resources on the Internet in Art, Design, Architecture and Media
Nearly half a year after the project’s official start date, ADAM has a fledgling information gateway to information on the Internet in art, design, architecture and media. Tony Gill, ADAM Project Leader, outlines what has been achieved so far, and some of the challenges that lie directly ahead. -
Link: A New Beginning for BUBL
Dennis Nicholson and Joanne Gold present an overview of 'daughter of BUBL'. -
Spotlight on BIDS
BIDS is put under the spotlight by Isobel Stark, a BIDS trainer amongst other things, who gives us her thoughts on one of the UK's most well-known networking services. Linked from this article are responses from BIDS people. -
What's Good and Bad about BUBL
Traugott Koch reviews the Bulletin Board for Libraries (BUBL).