Buzz - Mooc
LinkedUp: Linking Open Data for Education
Marieke Guy, Mathieu d’Aquin, Stefan Dietze, Hendrik Drachsler, Eelco Herder and Elisabetta Parodi describe the activities carried out by the LinkedUp Project looking at the promotion of open data in education.
Implementing a Resource or Reading List Management System
Gary Brewerton takes us step by step through the various stages of implementing a Resource or Reading List Management System for your institution.
JABES 2013
Marlène Delhaye reports on the two-day annual conference organised by the French Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur (ABES) held in Montpellier, France over 14-15 May 2013.
The Potential of Learning Analytics and Big Data
Patricia Charlton, Manolis Mavrikis and Demetra Katsifli discuss how the emerging trend of learning analytics and big data can support and empower learning and teaching.
Seb Schmoller Replies
Stepping down from his pivotal role as CEO at ALT, Seb Schmoller kindly answers a few questions from Ariadne on his perspective on online learning.