Buzz - Provenance
23rd International CODATA Conference
Alex Ball reports on a conference on ‘Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet’ held by the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on 28–31 October 2012.
Motivations for the Development of a Web Resource Synchronisation Framework
Stuart Lewis, Richard Jones and Simeon Warner explain some of the motivations behind the development of the ResourceSync Framework.
Launching a New Community-owned Content Service
Caren Milloy describes some of the challenges overcome and lessons learned by JISC Collections during the development of JISC eCollections.
Making the Most of a Conference
Stephanie Taylor writes about how she made the most of a conference to promote and inform the work of a project.
Delivering Open Educational Resources for Engineering Design
Mansur Darlington describes two methods for presenting online OERs for engineering design that were developed and explored as part of the Higher Education Academy/JISC-funded DelOREs (Delivering Open Educational Resources for Engineering Design) Project.
Book Review: The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping
John Azzolini reviews an anthology of perceptive essays on the challenges presented to archival thought and practice by Web 2.0, postmodern perspectives, and cross-disciplinary interchanges.
eSciDoc Days 2011: The Challenges for Collaborative eResearch Environments
Ute Rusnak reports on the fourth in a series of two-day conferences called eSciDoc Days, organised by FIZ Karlsruhe and the Max Planck Digital Library in Berlin over 26-27 October 2011.
Book Review: Preparing Collections for Digitization
Michael Day reviews a recently published book on the selection and preparation of archive and library collections for digitisation. -
From Link Rot to Web Sanctuary: Creating the Digital Educational Resource Archive (DERA)
Bernard M Scaife describes how an innovative use of the EPrints repository software is helping to preserve official documents from the Web. -
Open Educational Resources Hack Day
Kirsty Pitkin reports on a two-day practical hack event focusing on Open Educational Resources (OER), held by DevCSI and JISC CETIS in Manchester on 31 March - 1 April 2011. -
UK Reading Experience Database
Bethan Ruddock reports from the launch event for the UK Reading Experience Database, held at the Betty Boothroyd Library, the Open University, Milton Keynes, on 24 February 2011. -
Beyond the PDF
Jodi Schneider reports on a three-day workshop about the future of scientific communication, held in San Diego CA, USA, in January 2011. -
Developments in Virtual 3D Imaging of Cultural Artefacts
Richard Collmann describes how experience using a portable Virtual 3D Object Rig in cultural institutions has led to significant improvements in apparatus design and workflow. -
International Digital Curation Conference 2010
Alex Ball reports on the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, held on 7-8 December 2010 in Chicago. -
Developing Infrastructure for Research Data Management at the University of Oxford
James A. J. Wilson, Michael A. Fraser, Luis Martinez-Uribe, Paul Jeffreys, Meriel Patrick, Asif Akram and Tahir Mansoori describe the approaches taken, findings, and issues encountered while developing research data management services and infrastructure at the University of Oxford. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 65: Ariadne in Search of Your Views
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 65. -
Europeana Open Culture 2010
David Fuegi and Monika Segbert-Elbert report on the annual Europeana Conference, held at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam in October 2010. -
Trust Me, I'm an Archivist
Christopher Hilton, Dave Thompson and Natalie Walters describe some of the issues of engaging with donors when it comes to transferring born-digital material to the Library. -
Data Services for the Sciences: A Needs Assessment
Brian Westra describes a data services needs assessment for science research staff at the University of Oregon. -
A Pragmatic Approach to Preferred File Formats for Acquisition
Dave Thompson sets out the pragmatic approach to preferred file formats for long-term preservation used at the Wellcome Library. -
Intranet Management: Divine Comedy or Strategic Imperative?
Martin White suggests that a failure to recognise the value of intranets is a symptom of a failure to recognise information as a strategic asset. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 61: The Double-edged Web
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 61. -
Archives 2.0: If We Build It, Will They Come?
Joy Palmer discusses some of the opportunities and tensions emerging around Archives 2.0, crowd-sourcing, and archival authority. -
E-Curator: A 3D Web-based Archive for Conservators and Curators
Mona Hess, Graeme Were, Ian Brown, Sally MacDonald, Stuart Robson and Francesca Simon Millar describe a project which combines 3D colour laser scanning and e-Science technologies for capturing and sharing very large 3D scans and datasets about museum artefacts in a secure computing environment. -
Institutional Repositories for Creative and Applied Arts Research: The Kultur Project
Andrew Gray discusses institutional repositories and the creative and applied arts specifically in relation to the JISC-funded Kultur Project. -
NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure Software Sustainability
Paul Walk reports on a two-day NSF-sponsored workshop held at Indiana University, on 26-27 March 2009. -
Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) Fall Meeting
Paul Walk reports on the Sun-PASIG winter meeting held in Baltimore, USA on 18-20 November 2008. -
Time to Change Our Thinking: Dismantling the Silo Model of Digital Scholarship
Stephen G. Nichols argues that humanists need to replace the silo model of digital scholarship with collaborative ventures based on interoperability and critical comparison of content. -
OAI-ORE, PRESERV2 and Digital Preservation
Sally Rumsey and Ben O'Steen describe OAI-ORE and how it can contribute to digital preservation activities. -
Book Review: Computerization Movements and Technology Diffusion
Emma Tonkin reviews a fascinating introduction to over two decades of research into computerisation movements. -
VIF: Version Identification Workshop
Sarah Molloy reports on a half-day workshop on the use of the Version Identification Framework, held in Hatton Garden, London on 22 April 2008. -
Version Identification: A Growing Problem
Dave Puplett outlines the issues associated with versions in institutional repositories, and discusses the solutions being developed by the Version Identification Framework (VIF) Project. -
DC 2007
Ann Apps reports on DC2007, the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, held 27-31 August 2007 in Singapore. -
DRIVER: Building the Network for Accessing Digital Repositories Across Europe
Martin Feijen, Wolfram Horstmann, Paolo Manghi, Mary Robinson and Rosemary Russell present an outline of the DRIVER Project and its achievements so far in supporting and enhancing digital repository development in Europe. -
Further Experiences in Collecting Born Digital Archives at the Wellcome Library
Chris Hilton and Dave Thompson continue discussing plans for the engagement with born digital archival material at the Wellcome Library. -
Googlepository and the University Library
Sue Manuel and Charles Oppenheim discuss the concept of Google as a repository within the wider context of resource management and provision in Further and Higher Education. -
The KIDMM Community's 'MetaKnowledge Mash-up'
Conrad Taylor reports on the KIDMM knowledge community and its September 2007 one-day conference about data, information and knowledge management issues. -
Capacity Building: Spoken Word at Glasgow Caledonian University
Iain Wallace, Graeme West and David Donald give an account of the origins, nature and establishment of Spoken Word Services at Glasgow Caledonian University. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 51: Democratising Cultural Heritage
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne 51. -
Supporting Creativity in Networked Environments: The COINE Project
Geoff Butters, Amanda Hulme and Peter Brophy describe an approach to enabling a wide range of users to create and share their own stories, thus contributing to the development of cultural heritage at the local level. -
What Is an Open Repository?
Julie Allinson, Jessie Hey, Chris Awre and Mahendra Mahey report on the Open Repositories 2007 conference, held in San Antonio, Texas between 23-26 January 2007. -
Collecting Born Digital Archives at the Wellcome Library
Chris Hilton and Dave Thompson discuss plans for work with born digital archival material at the Wellcome Library. -
JISC/CNI Conference, York 2006
Najla Semple and Robin Rice were at the JISC / CNI conference 'Envisioning future challenges in networked information'. -
Digital Policy Management Workshop
Neil Beagrie and Mark Bide report on a one-day invitational workshop on Digital Policy Management sponsored by The British Library, JISC and UKOLN under the aegis of the British Library/JISC Partnership, held in the British Library Conference Centre on 24 April 2006. -
Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging
Emma Tonkin suggests that rising new ideas are often on their second circuit - and none the worse for that. -
QMSearch: A Quality Metrics-aware Search Framework
Aaron Krowne and Urvashi Gadi present a framework which improves searching in the context of scholarly digital libraries by taking a 'quality metrics-aware' approach. -
Delivering Digital Services: A Handbook for Public Libraries and Learning Centres
Towards the end of the Pantomime season, Bruce Royan finds a golden egg among the goose droppings. -
Digital Curation and Preservation: Defining the Research Agenda for the Next Decade
Philip Pothen reports on this two-day conference at Warwick University over 7-8 November 2005. -
Excuse Me... Some Digital Preservation Fallacies?
Chris Rusbridge argues with himself about some of the assumptions behind digital preservation thinking. -
DC 2005
Robina Clayphan reports on the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications: Vocabularies in Practice held at the University of Carlos III, Madrid in September 2005. -
Distributed Services Registry Workshop
John Gilby reports on the UKOLN/IESR two-day workshop at Scarman House, University of Warwick on 14-15 July 2005. -
What Are Your Terms?
Pete Johnston introduces the JISC Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry (IEMSR) Project and examines some of the challenges it is facing. -
A Tradition of Scholarly Documentation for Digital Objects: The Launch of the Digital Curation Centre
Philip Hunter reports on the launch of the DCC at the National eScience Centre in Edinburgh, November 2004. -
Rights Management and Digital Library Requirements
Karen Coyle describes some aspects of rights expression languages favoured by the commercial content industries and how these may differ from the rights needs of digital libraries. -
At the Event: The EPrints UK Workshop
Phil Cross, Debra Hiom and Emma Place report on this workshop which was held at the University of Bath in February 2004. -
Review: Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Philip Hunter reviews a CD-ROM edition of one of William Blake's most famous works. -
The RoMEO Project: Protecting Metadata in an Open Access Environment
Elizabeth Gadd, Charles Oppenheim and Steve Probets describe how the RoMEO Project is seeking to safeguard freely available metadata disclosed and harvested under the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
eBank UK: Building the Links Between Research Data, Scholarly Communication and Learning
Liz Lyon describes some new digital library development activities and considers the implications of linking research and learning outputs in an environment of assured data provenance. -
Functionality in Digital Annotation: Imitating and Supporting Real-world Annotation
Richard Waller looks at both pre-digital and digital concepts of annotation, with a view to how annotation tools might be used in the subject-gateway environment. -
Cultural Heritage Language Technologies: Building an Infrastructure for Collaborative Digital Libraries in the Humanities
Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox describes the work of the Cultural Heritage Language Technologies consortium, a research group funded by the European Comission Information Society Technologies program and the United States National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative. -
The Information Grid
Ariadne reports on a one-day workshop on 'an interoperable environment to support research, learning and teaching' held at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh, April 30, 2002. -
Content Management Systems: Who Needs Them?
Paul Browning and Mike Lowndes explore the CMS concept and look at the available tools. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Metadata: Preservation 2000
Michael Day reports on the Digital Preservation conference held in York in December 2000. -
Text Encoding for Interchange: A New Consortium
Lou Burnard on the creation of the TEI Consortium which has been created to take the TEI Guidelines into the XML world. -
Metadata for Digital Preservation: An Update
Michael Day discusses 'Metadata for Digital Preservation'. -
Scientific, Industrial, and Cultural Heritage: A Shared Approach
Lorcan Dempsey presents a research framework for libraries, archives and museums prepared for the European Commission. -
Metadata: Workshop in Luxembourg
Michael Day and Andy Stone report on the Third Metadata Workshop in Luxembourg. -
Metadata: Image Retrieval
Michael Day reports on combining content-based and metadata-based approaches. -
Metadata Corner: Working Meeting on Electronic Records Research
Michael Day reports from the Working Meeting on Electronic Records Research, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania May 29-31, 1997. -
Extending Metadata for Digital Preservation
Michael Day suggests how the concept of metadata could be extended to provide information in the specific field of digital preservation. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 5
The editor introduces Ariadne issue 5. -
Journals Overview
The editor introduces descriptions of some journals, freely available over the Web, that may be of interest to librarians and information specialists. -
OMNI-corner: Patient Information on the Web – Doctor on Your Desktop?
Sue Welsh, the OMNI maintainer, examines the perils of using the Internet as a substitute for your local family practitioner. -
PICK: Library and Information Science Resources on the Internet
In 1995, the Thomas Parry Library, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, won funding for PICK, a project to build a gateway to quality resources in the LIS field. Here, Andrew Cox describes this gateway, and reviews the project's achievements at the end of the first year. -
Neal Chan describes Provenance, a Canadian-based Web magazine for Information Professionals.