Buzz - Restful
SUNCAT: Ten Years and Beyond
Celia Jenkins charts the beginnings of SUNCAT, its development over the last ten years and what the future holds for the service.
Developing a Prototype Library WebApp for Mobile Devices
Jason Cooper and Gary Brewerton describe the development of a prototype WebApp to improve access to Library systems at Loughborough University for mobile devices.
23rd International CODATA Conference
Alex Ball reports on a conference on ‘Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet’ held by the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on 28–31 October 2012.
Redeveloping the Loughborough Online Reading List System
Jon Knight, Jason Cooper and Gary Brewerton describe the redevelopment of Loughborough University’s open source reading list system.
Adapting VuFind as a Front-end to a Commercial Discovery System
Graham Seaman describes the adaptation of an open source discovery tool, VuFind, to local needs, discusses the decisions which needed to be made in the process, and considers the implications of this process for future library discovery systems.
Mike Jones, Simon Price, Nikki Rogers and Damian Steer describe the rationale, aims and progress of MyMobileBristol, highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen during the project. -
eResearch Australasia 2008
Tobias Blanke, Ann Borda, Gaby Bright and Bridget Soulsby report on the annual eResearch Australasia Conference, held in Melbourne, Australia, 29 September - 3 October, 2008. -
A DRY CRIG Event for the IE Demonstrator
Paul Walk reports on an 'unconference' for developers working in and around the JISC Information Environment and institutional systems, hosted by UKOLN at the University of Bath in June 2008. -
Immaculate Catalogues, Indexes and Monsters Too...
David E. Bennett reports on the three day residential CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Annual Conference, University of East Anglia, during September 2006.