Buzz - Ruby
Hydra UK: Flexible Repository Solutions to Meet Varied Needs
Chris Awre reports on the Hydra UK event held on 22 November 2012 at the Library of the London School of Economics.
Adapting VuFind as a Front-end to a Commercial Discovery System
Graham Seaman describes the adaptation of an open source discovery tool, VuFind, to local needs, discusses the decisions which needed to be made in the process, and considers the implications of this process for future library discovery systems.
Towards a Toolkit for Implementing Application Profiles
Talat Chaudhri, Julian Cheal, Richard Jones, Mahendra Mahey and Emma Tonkin propose a user-driven methodology for the iterative development, testing and implementation of Dublin Core Application Profiles in diverse repository software environments. -
Open Repositories 2008
Mahendra Mahey reports on the third international Open Repositories 2008 Conference, held at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton in April 2008. -
Book Review: Programming Collective Intelligence
Pete Cliff tries to remember A-level mathematics as he dives into the fascinating world of machine learning and statistics and how to apply these techniques to Web-accessible datasets. -
OpenID: Decentralised Single Sign-on for the Web
Andy Powell and David Recordon take a brief look at OpenID and ask what relevance it has to e-learning. -
Introducing UnAPI
Dan Chudnov and a team of colleagues describe unAPI, a tiny HTTP API for serving information objects in next-generation Web applications. -
Making the Case for a Wiki
Emma Tonkin examines wikis and considers the feasibility of their deployment - and the danger of the 'tumbleweed' syndrome.