Buzz - Semiotic
Book Review: The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping
John Azzolini reviews an anthology of perceptive essays on the challenges presented to archival thought and practice by Web 2.0, postmodern perspectives, and cross-disciplinary interchanges.
Abstract Modelling of Digital Identifiers
Nick Nicholas, Nigel Ward and Kerry Blinco present an information model of digital identifiers, to help bring clarity to the vocabulary debates from which this field has suffered. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 62: The Wisdom of Communities
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 62. -
Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging
Emma Tonkin suggests that rising new ideas are often on their second circuit - and none the worse for that. -
Book Review: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Volume 36
Michael Day takes a detailed look at the structure and content of this hardy annual.