Buzz - Thesaurus
Book Review: Powering Search - The Role of Thesauri in New Information Environments
Leonard Will reviews a comprehensive survey of the literature on the use of thesauri in information search processes and interfaces.
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2012
Anna Mastora and Sarantos Kapidakis report on TPDL 2012 held at Paphos, Cyprus, over 23-27 September 2012.
From Link Rot to Web Sanctuary: Creating the Digital Educational Resource Archive (DERA)
Bernard M Scaife describes how an innovative use of the EPrints repository software is helping to preserve official documents from the Web. -
Image 'Quotation' Using the C.I.T.E. Architecture
Christopher Blackwell and Amy Hackney Blackwell describe with examples a digital library infrastructure that affords canonical citation for 'quoting' images, useful for creating commentaries, arguments, and teaching tools. -
Book Review: The Accidental Taxonomist
Emma Tonkin takes a look at a book on the work of the taxonomist and notes both merits and disappointments. -
Book Review: Information Science in Transition
Michael Day reviews an edited volume published to commemorate the founding of the Institute of Information Scientists in 1958. -
Moving Towards Interoperability: Experiences of the Archives Hub
Jane Stevenson and Bethan Ruddock describe the work that the Archives Hub team has been doing to promote the sharing of content. -
Spinning a Semantic Web for Metadata: Developments in the IEMSR
Emma Tonkin and Alexey Strelnikov reflect on the experience of developing components for the Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry. -
CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Annual Conference
Christina Claridge reports on the conference, held 3-5 September 2008, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. -
Lost in the JISC Information Environment
Tony Ross gives a personal reflection on his intellectual struggle to comprehend the JISC Information Environment. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Collaborative and Social Tagging Networks
Emma Tonkin, Edward M. Corrado, Heather Lea Moulaison, Margaret E. I. Kipp, Andrea Resmini, Heather D. Pfeiffer and Qiping Zhang gather a series of international perspectives on the practice of social tagging of documents within a community context. -
E-Publication and Open Access in the Arts and Humanities in the UK
Malcolm Heath, Michael Jubb and David Robey review recent UK discussions and evidence about e-publishing and open access, their impact and implications for researchers in the arts and humanities. -
ECDL 2007
Mahendra Mahey, Emma Tonkin and Robert John Robertson report on the 2007 European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, held in Budapest, Hungary, over 16-22 September, 2007. -
The KIDMM Community's 'MetaKnowledge Mash-up'
Conrad Taylor reports on the KIDMM knowledge community and its September 2007 one-day conference about data, information and knowledge management issues. -
The Video Active Consortium: Europe's Television History Online
Johan Oomen and Vassilis Tzouvaras provide an insight into the background and development of the Video Active Portal which offers access to television heritage material from leading archives across Europe. -
IWMW 2007: Next Steps for the Web Management Community
Shirley Keane reports on the wide range of presentations given at this year's Institutional Web Management Workshop. -
Book Review: Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
Keith Doyle reviews the 3rd edition of the primary reference book for practising in-house staff and consultants responsible for the development of institutional information architecture. -
Search Engines: Why Ask Me, and Does 'X' Mark the Spot?
Phil Bradley takes a look at different versions of Ask to see how it is developing and looks at how it is emerging from its servant roots. -
Supporting Creativity in Networked Environments: The COINE Project
Geoff Butters, Amanda Hulme and Peter Brophy describe an approach to enabling a wide range of users to create and share their own stories, thus contributing to the development of cultural heritage at the local level. -
Considering a Marketing and Communications Approach for an Institutional Repository
Heleen Gierveld proposes a market-oriented approach to increase the rate of deposit to an institutional repository. -
Immaculate Catalogues, Indexes and Monsters Too...
David E. Bennett reports on the three day residential CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Annual Conference, University of East Anglia, during September 2006. -
e-Books for the Future: Here but Hiding?
Brian Whalley outlines some developments in e-book technologies and links them to existing ways of presenting textbook information. -
Serving Services in Web 2.0
Theo van Veen shows with the help of an example, how standardised descriptions of services can help users control the integration of services from different providers. -
The Second Digital Repositories Programme Meeting
Julie Allinson and Mahendra Mahey report on a 2-day JISC Digital Repositories Meeting focusing on project clusters working together and other related issues held by JISC in Warwick, UK over 27-28 March 2006. -
A Recipe for Cream of Science: Special Content Recruitment for Dutch Institutional Repositories
Martin Feijen and Annemiek van der Kuil describe the Cream of Science Project, part of the DARE Programme, which generated a Web site offering open access to almost 25,000 publications by 207 prominent scholars across the Netherlands. -
Search Engines
Phil Bradley casts his eye over image search engines. -
A Librarian's Experience of E-Government
Jane Inman describes the route she has taken as a librarian through the expanding landscape of e-government and highlights the skills librarians can bring to this arena. -
How the Use of Standards Is Transforming Australian Digital Libraries
Debbie Campbell explains how the exploitation of recent standards has allowed the National Library of Australia to digitise its collections and host federated search services and provide an improved service. -
Tap Into Bath
Alison Baud and Ann Chapman describe the development of a database of archive, library and museum collections in Bath. -
World Wide Web Conference 2004
Dave Beckett reports on the international WWW2004 conference held in New York, 19-21 May 2004. -
JISC Terminology Services Workshop
Sarah Shreeves reports on a one-day workshop on current developments and future directions for JISC terminology services held in London, February 2004. -
Towards the Digital Aquifer: Introducing the Common Information Environment
Paul Miller discusses current efforts by UK agencies to collaborate on a Common Information Environment that meets the diverse needs of current and future consumers of digital content and services. -
Experiences of Harvesting Web Resources in Engineering Using Automatic Classification
Kjell Jansson, Jessica Lindholm and Tomas Schoenthal describe the work in setting up a Web index that uses automatic classification as a means for the selection of resources. -
Metadata Wanted for the Evanescent Library
John MacColl reports on Schemas and Ontologies: Building a Semantic Infrastructure for the GRID and Digital Libraries: a one-day workshop at the e-Science Institute, May 2003. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Cultural Heritage Language Technologies: Building an Infrastructure for Collaborative Digital Libraries in the Humanities
Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox describes the work of the Cultural Heritage Language Technologies consortium, a research group funded by the European Comission Information Society Technologies program and the United States National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative. -
Sharing History of Science and Medicine Gateway Metadata Using OAI-PMH
David Little outlines the resource sharing arrangements between the MedHist gateway and the Humbul hub, using the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, and some of the issues it has raised. -
Collection Description in Focus
Clare McVeigh and Dierdre Wildy: A Report on the Collection Description Focus Workshops, Nov 2001-Mar 2002 -
NetLab's Digital Library Gâteau
Jessica Lindholm reports from the conference "NetLab and friends: Tribute and outlook after 10 years of digital library development". The conference was held in Lund, Sweden 10-12 April 2002. -
Collection Description Focus: Spreading the Gospel
Bridget Robinson and Pete Johnston with an overview of CLD activities in the first year. -
The AIM25 Project
Robert Baxter, Frances Blomeley and Rachel Kemsley present AIM25, a project providing electronic access to descriptions of archives held in various London institutions. -
Access to Archives: England’s Contribution to the National Archive Network
Caroline Thibeaud discusses the Archive 2 Archive project. -
Multi-media and Image Handling: The future is Textless
Marieke Napier on a DTI multimedia day in London in November 2001. -
Architects of the Information Age
Paul Miller reports on a recent UKOLN-organised event at the Office of the e-Envoy, and explores the need for an architecture to scope what we build online. -
Subject Portals
Judith Clark describes a three-year project to develop a set of subject portals as part of the Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER) development programme. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Personalization of Web Services: Opportunities and Challenges
Monica Bonett gives an overview of personalization on the World Wide Web and discusses ideas for development within resource discovery systems. -
The Filling in the PIE: HeadLine's Resource Data Model
John Paschoud explains the concepts of representation and use of metadata in the Resource Data Model (RDM) that has been developed by the HeadLine project. -
AGORA: The Hybrid Library from a User's Perspective
Bridget Robinson and David Palmer look at the Agora user studies. -
Clumps Come Up Trumps
Helena Gillis, Verity Brack, John Gilby and Marian Hogg review the four eLib CLUMP projects now at the end of their funding periods. -
Leona Carpenter gives a personal view of the 'Logged into Economics' conference in Barcelona in June. -
Electronic Homer
Martin Mueller reads Homer electronically with the TLG, Perseus, and the Chicago Homer. -
Knowledge Management in the Perseus Digital Library
Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox on the Perseus Project's new knowledge management and digital delivery tools. -
Interoperability: What Is It and Why Should I Want It?
Paul Miller explains what interoperability is and why you should want it. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Search Engines: The Relevance of Underpants to Searching the Web
Phil Bradley explores search engine ranking techniques. -
I Say What I Mean, but Do I Mean What I Say?
Paul Miller reports on the latest MODELS workshop, and looks at the need for controlled terminologies and thesauri. -
Planet SOSIG
Justine Kitchen of the Resource Discovery Network Centre reports on the recent SOSIG relaunch, and Debra Hiom explores New Learning and Teaching Support Networks in the Social Sciences -
Planet SOSIG: Asking Questions - The CASS Social Survey Question Bank
Adam Guy writes about the Question Bank service. -
RDN: Resource Discovery Network
Alistair Dunning reviews the launch of the RDN (Resource Discovery Network) -
An Overview of Subject Gateway Activities in Australia
Debbie Campbell looks at how the original criteria proposed for an IMesh map against these Australian initiatives. -
SEAMLESS: Introduction to the Project
Mary Rowlatt describes SEAMLESS, the Essex-based project. -
Knowledge Management
Sheila Corrall asks if 'knowledge management' is a new phrase in place of 'information management', or a new concept altogether. -
Metadata: Cataloguing Theory and Internet Subject-based Information Gateways
Ann Chapman, Michael Day, and Debra Hiom compare library cataloguing concepts and ROADS Template creation. -
Planet SOSIG: Politically Correct - Editing the Politics Section of SOSIG
Heather Dawson from The British Library of Political and Economic Science talks about her role as a SOSIG Section Editor. -
Sam Saunders reports on a pre-print project for education professionals. -
Planet SOSIG: The New SOSIG Interface
Tracey Hooper describes the new interface and features of SOSIG, the premier Web-based subject gateway for the Social Sciences. -
From Aberystwyth to ADAM: Using the Skills Acquired on a Library School Course in the Real World
Rebecca Bradshaw reflects on how the skills and knowledge she acquired when a library school student are relevant (or not) to her current role, developing a network-based subject gateway. -
MIDRIB: Beyond Clip Art for Medicine
Betsy Anagnostelis and Sue Welsh describe the recent launch of the MIDRIB (Medical Images Digitised Reference Information Bank) project, and describe the medical image resource the project will create. -
SETIS: Electronic Texts at the University of Sydney Library
Creagh Cole describes a project dedicated to providing in-house access to a large number of electronic texts on CD-ROM. -
Data Archive at the University of Essex
Denise Lievesley and Bridget Winstanley describe this national resource centre for computer-readable data in the social sciences and humanities. -
ADAM: Bits and Pieces
Net Gains for Digital Researchers
Amy Friedlander, the editor of D-Lib, looks at, and towards, some of the benefits of the Web and digital technology towards how we do and present research. -
Centre for Database Access Research (CEDAR): The Huddersfield Connection
Steve Pollitt describes the history and research behind CEDAR, the Centre for Database Access Research, which specialises in work on the design of interfaces for information retrieval systems. -
ADAM: Information Gateway to Resources on the Internet in Art, Design, Architecture and Media
Nearly half a year after the project’s official start date, ADAM has a fledgling information gateway to information on the Internet in art, design, architecture and media. Tony Gill, ADAM Project Leader, outlines what has been achieved so far, and some of the challenges that lie directly ahead. -
Anoraks and cardigans (2): New Text Search Engines, Bath, April 1996
Nigel Ford, who gave the summary address, gives us his impressions of the April 1996 Infonortics conference n Bath on text retrieval. -
Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) Update
Recently, a wave of new projects under the umbrella of the Electronic Libraries Programme was announced. A consequence of this is that a large majority of the HE institutions in the UK are involved in at least one eLib project (is yours?), as well as many non HE organisations and institutions. Here, we give brief details of some of these new projects. -
OMNI: Organising Medical Networked Information
Frank Norman, project co-ordinator, describes OMNI, what it can do for you (and you for it). OMNI is an eLib project from the Access to Network Resources programme area. It consists of a well-maintained and expanding database of medical and health resources that can be accessed through JANET/Internet. This database can be searched, via a World Wide Web browser; in addition, catalogues of the resources are available for browsing. -
Wire: Email Interview with Traugott Koch
Traugott Koch submits to an interview by email.