Virginia Knight describes the open-source alerting portlet which has been developed as part of the SPP Subject Portals Project (SPP) and the results of user feedback.
Balviar Notay and
Catherine Grout give an overview of developments in digitisation programmes, on-line delivery services and specialised search engines which cater for searching and locating still images and time-based media and consider the issues that surround their use, focusing particularly on JISC developments.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Chris Awre,
Stewart Waller,
Jon Allen,
Matthew J Dovey,
Jon Hunter and
Ian Dolphin describe the investigations and technical development undertaken within the JISC-funded Contextual Resource Evaluation Environment (CREE) Project to enable the presentation of existing search tools within portal frameworks using the JSR 168 and WSRP portlet standards.
Paul Miller explores some of the recent buzz around the concept of 'Web 2.0' and asks what it means for libraries and related organisations.
Miles Banbery reports on the 9th Institutional Web Management Workshop held at the University of Manchester, UK, over 6-8 July 2005.
Marieke Guy has collated reports on sessions from the JISC Annual Conference held in Birmingham.
Michael Fraser provides an overview of the virtual research environment (VRE) and introduces three JISC-funded projects in which Oxford University is participating.
Liz Lyon describes some new digital library development activities and considers the implications of linking research and learning outputs in an environment of assured data provenance.