EEVL: New Hot Topic In-depth Reports Now Available
Hot Topics
EEVL, the Internet guide to engineering, mathematics and computing, provides access to a wide range of information on the three subjects covered through its Internet Resource Catalogue and various additional services. Hot Topics [1], a new feature added recently, gives access to in-depth reports on topical engineering and technology issues.
The Hot Topics are freely available, and are provided through CSA [2]. CSA is an information company that specialises in publishing and distributing, in print and electronically, 100 bibliographic and full-text databases and journals in the natural sciences, social sciences, arts & humanities, and technology. A privately held company, based in Maryland, with offices in various parts of the world including the United Kingdom, CSA has been a leader in publishing and providing quality abstracts and indexes in the information field for over thirty years. EEVL and CSA have been working together on a number of areas over the past months, and the availability of the Hot Topics through EEVL is the first of several planned developments.

Figure 1: Screenshot of the Hot Topics Home Page
Links to thirteen in-depth reports are currently available from EEVL’s Hot Topics page. Selected for their relevance to EEVL’s users, these have been chosen from nearly 100 CSA guides covering topical issues in various subjects. In addition, each of the Hot Topics has been catalogued by EEVL and can also be found via the Internet Resources Catalogue [3] under appropriate search terms and browse headings. A typical entry is shown in Figure 2, below.
Hydrogen Storage
Alternative Title:
CSA Hot Topics Series
Becker, Laura
Hydrogen Storage, which is part of the CSA Hot Topics Series, considers the increasing use of hydrogen as a non-polluting energy source that can be generated from renewable resources, although there are some difficulties in storing it. Hydrogen is stored in rechargeable nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries, which have a higher energy capacity than environmentally toxic cadmium batteries. The Hot Topic includes a list of relevant key citations, a collection of related Web sites, a glossary of terms used, and further details of the original source.
Keywords: CSA Hot Topics, IDS, METADEX, hydride, alloys
Full Text Documents - General
Resource Guide/Directory
Engineering Classification:
* Chemical Engineering->Chemical Engineering General
* Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering->Electrical Engineering->Electrical Power Sources and Motors
* Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering->Electrical Engineering->Electricity, Magnetism, and Materials
* Manufacturing Engineering->Product Design and Development->Materials and Energy Recycle and Reuse->Environmental Engineering->Materials and Energy Recycle and Reuse
* Environmental Engineering->Renewable Energy Resources
* Materials Engineering->Materials Engineering General
* Mechanical Engineering and Related Industries->Fuel and Energy Technology
World Country of Origin: United States
Comment on this record
XML view of this record
Figure 2: Example of Internet Resource Catalogue Record for a Hot Topic
The Hot Topics cover a wide range of subjects of current interest to many students and researchers. They have been written by CSA editors, technical editors, information analysts and experts, and include an overview of the subject, key citations and abstracts that sample the resources of CSA Illumina [4], and links to relevant and substantial Web sites. There are links back to EEVL from the Hot Topic pages. In the future, pre-formatted searches of the EEVL Internet Resource Catalogue will be included within the Hot Topics, so that additional Web sites related to the topic, which have already been catalogued by EEVL’s subject experts, can also be retrieved. The Hot Topics vary in length, often including relevant diagrams and graphics.
The following Hot Topics are currently available:
- Columbia Shuttle Tragedy
- Nanomaterials: It’s a Small, Small World
- Rapid Manufacturing
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Technology and Cars
- The Space Shuttle and its Replacement
- Titanium
- Plastic Highway Bridges
- MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- Hydrogen Storage
- Quantum Cryptography: Privacy Through Uncertainty
- Lost in Cyberspace : The BBC Domesday Project and the Challenge of Digital Preservation
- Domestic Water Conservation: Greywater, Rainwater and Other Innovations
More Hot Topics are in the pipeline, and will be added to the collection as they are released.
EEVL would like to thank CSA for their co-operation in the development of this new feature on EEVL.
About EEVL
EEVL, the Internet guide to engineering, mathematics and computing, is a UK-based not-for-profit free guide. It was created and is run by a team of information specialists from Heriot Watt University, with input from a number of other universities in the UK, including the University of Birmingham and Cranfield University. EEVL provides academics, researchers, students, and anyone else looking for quality-assured information in engineering, mathematics and computing, with a centralised access point on the Internet.
EEVL, which is funded by JISC through the Resource Discovery Network (RDN), is available on the Web at:
- EEVL Hot Topics
- CSA Home Page
- EEVL Catalogue Search
- CSA Illumina