Michael Day reviews a Festschrift celebrating the work of Professor Peter Brophy, founder of the Centre for Research in Library and Information Management.
Wendy Taylor and
Kathy Teague describe what they learnt about how FRBR is used at the Celia Library for the Visually Impaired in Helsinki, during their Ulverscroft/IFLA-funded visit.
Wendy Taylor and
Helen Williams report on CILIP's Executive Briefings on RDA : Resource Description and Access held at CILIP on 23 March 2010 and repeated at the Bloomsbury Hotel on 30 March 2010.
Martin White reviews a book that provides advice for managers on how to ensure that Web sites, intranets and library services are fully compliant with guidelines and legislation on accessibility.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Verity Brack takes a look at this book for Web trainers, teachers and instructors.
Philip Pothen and colleagues provide an overview of the proceedings of this Spring's JISC Annual Conference.
Ann Chapman describes Revealweb, a Web site that brings together information about accessible resources for visually impaired people.
Ann Chapman reports on a one-day meeting that focused among other things on accessibility in virtual learning environments and personal learning profiles.
Phil Bradley takes a look at some new search engines to see if they are up to challenging the top dogs.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events.
Leona Carpenter reports on the key issue of accessibility as covered at the Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) Conference held in Seattle, and also provides a round-up of sources of further information.
Jenny Craven gives an overview of the Resource funded NoVA project (Non-visual access to the digital library).
Ann Chapman on the Internet as a resource for visually impaired people: a survey of accessible sites, resources, current research and software.
Brian Kelly reports on the latest "Institutional Web Management Workshop," this year called: "The Next Steps."
Internet resources for older people:
Monica Blake describes some findings from the Internet and Older People Project, funded by The British Library Research and Innovation Centre Digital Library Research Programme.
Emma Wright put on her woolies and went to Preston to report on the annual JUGL (JANET User Group for Libraries) conference.