Organisation - University of California Berkeley
Eduserv Symposium 2012: Big Data, Big Deal?
Marieke Guy attended the annual Eduserv Symposium on 10 May 2012 at the Royal College of Physicians, London to find out what are the implications of big data for Higher Education Institutions.
International Digital Curation Conference 2010
Alex Ball reports on the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, held on 7-8 December 2010 in Chicago. -
Internet Librarian International Conference 2010
Claire Tylee, Katrin Flemming and Elly Cope report on the two-day Internet Librarian International Conference focusing on innovation and technology in the information profession, held in London on 14-15 October 2010. -
Book Review: Access, Delivery, Performance - The Future of Libraries Without Walls
Michael Day reviews a Festschrift celebrating the work of Professor Peter Brophy, founder of the Centre for Research in Library and Information Management. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) Fall Meeting
Paul Walk reports on the Sun-PASIG winter meeting held in Baltimore, USA on 18-20 November 2008. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Book Review: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 2004 (Volume 38)
Michael Day reviews a recent volume of this key annual publication on information science and technology. -
Repositories, Copyright and Creative Commons for Scholarly Communication
Esther Hoorn considers ways librarians can support scholars in managing the demands of copyright so as to respond to the needs of scholarly communication. -
Opening Up OpenURLs with Autodiscovery
Daniel Chudnov, Richard Cameron, Jeremy Frumkin, Ross Singer and Raymond Yee demonstrate a 'gather locally, share globally' approach to OpenURLs and metadata autodiscovery in scholarly and non-scholarly environments. -
Towards Library Groupware With Personalised Link Routing
Daniel Chudnov, Jeremy Frumkin, Jennifer Weintraub, Matthew Wilcox and Raymond Yee describe a potential groupware framework for integrating access to diverse information resources and distributed personal collection development. -
Public Libraries: The Changing Face of the Public Library
Penny Garrod looks at developments in Hampshire and comments on the shape of things to come. -
Unicode and Historic Scripts
Deborah Anderson provides us an overview of the progress made in bringing historic scripts to the Unicode Standard. -
ACM / IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
John MacColl reports on a selection of the papers given at this conference in Roanoake, Virginia, June 24-28 2001. -
Information Ecosystems
John MacColl follows up last issue's breakdown of papers with his reflections on the UKOLN conference held in Bath University at the end of June. -
Information Landscapes
Task Force Meeting
Kelly Russell reports on the US CNI Conference. -
David Nichols reports on the follow-on conference SIGIR '97. -
A Digital Library Showcase and Support Service - the Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Roy Tennant describes a resource used to create digital libraries and services, and to help others do the same. -
Ticer Summer School on the Digital Library at Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Robert van der Zwan describes a two week summer school in digital library developments at one of Europe's main research centres in this field. -
Web4Lib: The Library Web Manager's Electronic Discussion List
Roy Tennant, Project Manager of the Digital Library Research & Development at the University of California, Berkeley, describes the Web4Lib mailing list, an electronic discussion forum for library Web managers. -
Deborah Anderson
Raymond Yee