Organisation - University of Essex
KAPTUR the Highlights: Exploring Research Data Management in the Visual Arts
Leigh Garrett, Marie-Therese Gramstadt, Carlos Silva and Anne Spalding describe the exploration of the importance and nature of research data in the visual arts and requirements for their appropriate curation and preservation.
Upskilling Liaison Librarians for Research Data Management
Andrew Cox, Eddy Verbaan and Barbara Sen explore the design of a curriculum to train academic librarians in the competencies to support Research Data Management.
Developing Infrastructure for Research Data Management at the University of Oxford
James A. J. Wilson, Michael A. Fraser, Luis Martinez-Uribe, Paul Jeffreys, Meriel Patrick, Asif Akram and Tahir Mansoori describe the approaches taken, findings, and issues encountered while developing research data management services and infrastructure at the University of Oxford. -
Blue Ribbon Task Force Symposium on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access
Marieke Guy reports on a symposium which provided an opportunity for stakeholders to respond to the recent Blue Ribbon Task Force report on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access. -
Data Services for the Sciences: A Needs Assessment
Brian Westra describes a data services needs assessment for science research staff at the University of Oregon. -
Live Blogging @ IWMW 2009
Kirsty McGill provides a live blogger perspective on the three-day Institutional Web Managers Workshop, held by UKOLN at the University of Essex, Colchester, in July 2009. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Supporting Local Data Users in the UK Academic Community
Luis Martinez and Stuart Macdonald discuss the differing areas of expertise within the UK data libraries with particular reference to their relationship with National Data Centres, the role of the Data Information Specialists Committee - UK (DISC-UK) and other information specialists. -
Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions
Leona Carpenter describes a JISC development programme tackling the organisational and technical challenges facing Higher and Further Education in the UK. -
Humphrey Southall looks at a new Web site's Vision of Britain while Emma Place examines new changes to the RDN Virtual Training Suite. -
Recasting the Past: Digital Histories
Vanessa Carr reports on a one day conference about digitising historical records, held jointly by the Association for History and Computing UK and the Royal Historical Society. -
The AHDS Is Evolving: Changes at the Arts and Humanities Data Service
Alastair Dunning describes the changes afoot at the AHDS and how it intends to adapt to the changes in both technology and the needs of its stakeholders. -
Domesday Redux: The Rescue of the BBC Domesday Project Videodiscs
Jeffrey Darlington, Andy Finney and Adrian Pearce describe the groundbreaking BBC Domesday Project of 1986, and explain how its unique multimedia collection has been preserved. -
MIMAS Ten Years on
Julia Chruszcz looks at the ten years of MIMAS as a JISC-designated national data centre. -
Windows Explorer: The Index Server Companion
Brett Burridge describes the Index Server Companion, an application he has created that allows Microsoft Index Server to index content from remote websites and ODBC databases. -
Windows NT Explorer: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Brett Burridge investigates the use of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the XML-based protocol that is taking a leading role in the emerging area of Web Services. -
NT Explorer
Brett Burridge Looks at Microsoft's Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition. -
Planet SOSIG: Asking Questions - The CASS Social Survey Question Bank
Adam Guy writes about the Question Bank service. -
Web Focus: Report on "Institutional Web Management Next Steps" Workshop
Brian Kelly reports on the latest "Institutional Web Management Workshop," this year called: "The Next Steps." -
WebWatch: UK University Search Engines
Brian Kelly explores the search facilities used by UK university Web sites. -
Windows NT Explorer
Brett Burridge on Internet Information Server (IIS 4.0) -
Windows NT Explorer
Brett Burridge discusses Active Server Pages (ASP) - one of the most useful facilities provided by Windows NT server. -
Windows NT Explorer
Brett Burridge introduces his regular column on Windows NT with a description of Site Server's search facility. -
Launching an Electronic Magazine: An Overview of Value-added Features and Services
Bernadette Daly looks at a variety of electronic publications as part of the research phase in the delivery of a new Web magazine. -
Metadata: Cataloguing Theory and Internet Subject-based Information Gateways
Ann Chapman, Michael Day, and Debra Hiom compare library cataloguing concepts and ROADS Template creation. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Press Release – JISC / Caul Collaboration Agreement
Kelly Russell outlines the collaboration between JISC and CAUL, and announces the appointment of the post of International Co-ordinator. -
r·cade: Resource Centre for Access to Data on Europe
Sharon Bolton describes r-cade, an interdisciplinary resource centre that helps researchers and analysts to identify and acquire data for the European Social Sciences. -
Around the Table: Social Sciences
Debra Hiom from SOSIG takes us on a guided tour of major Internet-based Social Science resources. -
Data Archive at the University of Essex
Denise Lievesley and Bridget Winstanley describe this national resource centre for computer-readable data in the social sciences and humanities. -
Net Gains for Digital Researchers
Amy Friedlander, the editor of D-Lib, looks at, and towards, some of the benefits of the Web and digital technology towards how we do and present research. -
Brett Burridge