Organisation - University of Huddersfield
Meeting the Reading List Challenge – Event Report
Laura Williams reviews the two-day workshop "Meeting the Reading List Challenge" held at Loughborough University Library on 5th & 6th April 2016. -
Editorial Introduction to Issue 71
The editor introduces readers to the content of Ariadne Issue 71.
Engaging Researchers with Social Media Tools: 25 Research Things@Huddersfield
Graham Stone and Ellen Collins investigate whether 25 Research Things, an innovative online learning programme, could help researchers understand the value of Web 2.0 tools.
The ARK Project: Analysing Raptor at Kent
Leo Lyons describes how University of Kent librarians are benefitting from Raptor's ability to produce e-resource usage statistics and charts.
JISC Research Information Management: CERIF Workshop
Rosemary Russell reports on a two-day workshop on research information management and CERIF held in Bristol over 27-28 June 2012.
Kultivating Kultur: Increasing Arts Research Deposit
Marie-Therese Gramstadt discusses how the JISC-funded Kultivate Project is encouraging arts research deposit in UK institutional repositories. -
Looking for the Link Between Library Usage and Student Attainment
Graham Stone, Bryony Ramsden and Dave Pattern introduce the JISC-funded Library Impact Data Project (LIDP). -
Survive or Thrive
Ed Fay reports on a two-day conference organised by UKOLN on behalf of JISC to consider growth and use of digital content on the Web, which was held in Manchester in June 2010. -
23 Things in Public Libraries
Helen Leech describes a collaborative project to increase front-line staff's understanding and use of Web 2.0 in public libraries. -
Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries (emtacl10)
Andrew Walsh reports on a new international conference on emerging technologies within academic libraries organised by the library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and held in Trondheim, Norway in April 2010. -
Intute Reflections at the End of an Era
Angela Joyce, Linda Kerr, Tim Machin, Paul Meehan and Caroline Williams look back at the history and achievements of Intute, and reflect on lessons learned as the service enters its final year. -
CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group Annual Conference
Christina Claridge reports on the conference, held 3-5 September 2008, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. -
Libraries of the Future
Michelle Pauli reports on the National e-textbook Debate and Libraries of the Future panel sessions held by JISC in Birmingham over 14-15 April 2008. -
The Second Life of UK Academics
John Kirriemuir introduces a series of studies investigating how the Second Life environment is being used in UK Higher and Further Education. -
IWMW 2006: Quality Matters
Adrian Stevenson reports on the 10th Institutional Web Management Workshop held at the University of Bath over 14-16 June 2006. -
Intute: The New Best of the Web
Caroline Williams describes Intute in the context of the online information environment and outlines aspirations for the future. -
The Library Catalogue in the New Discovery Environment: Some Thoughts
Lorcan Dempsey explores how the library catalogue will develop alongside evolving network discovery systems. -
Ebooks in UK Libraries: Where Are We Now?
Penny Garrod brings us up to date on developments in ebooks. -
Information Skills and the DNER: The INHALE Project
Margaret Weaver describes the work of the Information for Nursing and Health in a Learning Environment (INHALE) Project team. -
FDTL: The Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning
Gerry Taggart gives a brief outline of this HEFCE funded programme of projects geared towards teaching and learning using IT. -
Centre for Database Access Research (CEDAR): The Huddersfield Connection
Steve Pollitt describes the history and research behind CEDAR, the Centre for Database Access Research, which specialises in work on the design of interfaces for information retrieval systems. -
Andrew Walsh
Bryony Ramsden
Dave Pattern
Graham Stone
Laura Williams