Shirley Williams reports on the Eduserv Foundation Symposium which took as its theme investigate the intersection between identity management, access management and scholarly research collaboration across institutional and geographic boundaries.
Alexander Ball provides an overview of the Knowledge and Information Management Through Life Project Conference held in April, 2008.
Alex Ball provides an overview of the March 2007 KIM Project Conference.
Debra Hiom, in the first of a two-part series on the Resource Discovery Network, looks back at the development of the RDN and its activities to date.
Andrew Charlesworth reports on a seminar seeking to protect ICT users and their information against computer crime and abuse.
Brian Kelly with an Update On Search Engines Used In UK Universities.
Alexis Weedon gives us some insight into a new web-based project designed to collate evidence for changing reading habits through history.
Lisa Gray reports on recent developments with the BIOME hub.
Sheila Corrall asks if 'knowledge management' is a new phrase in place of 'information management', or a new concept altogether.
Michael Day on a Biodiversity conference in the States interested in Metadata.
Stephen Gough discusses: Who makes the best manager of a converged service?
Oliver de Peyer with his personal view of what it is like being on the other side of the the metaphorical electronic issue desk.
Seamus Ross provides the programme for a symposium which seeks to explore how information technology has affected research in the humanities and social sciences.