Organisation - University of Sunderland
Learning How to Play Nicely: Repositories and CRIS
Nick Sheppard reports on the event examining integrated, systemic approaches to research information management organised by the Welsh Repository Network and supported by JISC and ARMA at Leeds Metropolitan University, in May 2010. -
The RSP Goes 'Back to School'
Stephanie Taylor reports on the three-day residential school for repository managers run by the Repositories Support Project (RSP), held on 14-16 September 2009 in Northumberland. -
Web Focus: The Web On Your Phone and TV
Brian Kelly looks at the Web Beyond the PC. -
Web Watch: A Survey of Institutional Web Gateways
Brian Kelly surveys institutional web gateways. -
Information Ecosystems
John MacColl follows up last issue's breakdown of papers with his reflections on the UKOLN conference held in Bath University at the end of June. -
Panayiotis Periorellis and Walter Scales writes about the VERITY European Telematics Project. -
Information Landscapes
An Investigation Into World Wide Web Search Engine Use from within the UK: Preliminary Findings
Simon Stobart and Susan Kerridge give some of the preliminary results of a JISC- funded investigation into the use of Search Engines such as Alta Vista and Lycos within the UK. -
UC and R Study Conference: Access versus Holdings - A Virtual Impossibility?
Jim Huntingford listens to the 'access verses holdings' debate at the Library Association's University, College and Research group conference. -
Panayiotis Periorellis
Walter Scales