Organisation - Wellcome Trust
Automating Harvest and Ingest of the Medical Heritage Library
Christy Henshaw, Dave Thompson and João Baleia describe an automated process to harvest medical books and pamphlets from the Internet Archive into the Wellcome Library’s Digital Services environment.
The Wellcome Library, Digital
Christy Henshaw and Robert Kiley describe how the Wellcome Library has transformed its information systems to support mass digitisation of historic collections.
Gold Open Access: Counting the Costs
Theo Andrew presents new data on the cost of Gold OA publishing at the University of Edinburgh.
Eduserv Symposium 2012: Big Data, Big Deal?
Marieke Guy attended the annual Eduserv Symposium on 10 May 2012 at the Royal College of Physicians, London to find out what are the implications of big data for Higher Education Institutions.
Editorial Introduction to Issue 65: Ariadne in Search of Your Views
Richard Waller introduces Ariadne issue 65. -
Intute Reflections at the End of an Era
Angela Joyce, Linda Kerr, Tim Machin, Paul Meehan and Caroline Williams look back at the history and achievements of Intute, and reflect on lessons learned as the service enters its final year. -
Learning How to Play Nicely: Repositories and CRIS
Nick Sheppard reports on the event examining integrated, systemic approaches to research information management organised by the Welsh Repository Network and supported by JISC and ARMA at Leeds Metropolitan University, in May 2010. -
Moving Targets: Web Preservation and Reference Management
Richard Davis discusses the role of Web preservation in reference management. This article is based on a presentation given at the Innovations in Reference Management workshop, January 2010. -
The Digital Preservation Roadshow 2009-10: The Incomplete Diaries of Optimistic Travellers
William Kilbride and Malcolm Todd report on the Digital Preservation Roadshow - an eleven month tour of the UK and Ireland designed to provide archivists and record managers with practical advice and support in managing digital resources. -
The Historic Hospitals Admission Records Project
Sue Hawkins and Andrea Tanner describe a ground-breaking Web site using children's hospital admission registers. -
Publish and Cherish With Non-proprietary Peer Review Systems
Leo Waaijers urges Open Access-mandating research funders to extend OA publishing conditions by stimulating the market. -
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Further Experiences in Collecting Born Digital Archives at the Wellcome Library
Chris Hilton and Dave Thompson continue discussing plans for the engagement with born digital archival material at the Wellcome Library. -
Access to Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Development: Options for Developing Countries
Barbara Kirsop, Leslie Chan and Subbiah Arunachalam consider the impact of donor access and open access to research publications on the sustainable development of science in developing countries. -
The JISC Annual Conference 2007
Philip Pothen and colleagues provide an overview of the proceedings of this Spring's JISC Annual Conference. -
Web Curator Tool
Philip Beresford tells the story (from The British Library's perspective) of the development of new software to aid all stages of harvesting Web sites for preservation. -
Digital Preservation Coalition Forum on Web Archiving
Maureen Pennock and Manjula Patel report on the Digital Preservation Coalition's second Web Archiving Forum which took place at the British Library in London on 12 June 2006. -
Intute: The New Best of the Web
Caroline Williams describes Intute in the context of the online information environment and outlines aspirations for the future. -
JISC/CNI Conference, York 2006
Najla Semple and Robin Rice were at the JISC / CNI conference 'Envisioning future challenges in networked information'. -
RDN Timeline
Debra Hiom provides a timeline of the RDN's development, which accompanies her main article. -
The Rustle of Digital Curation: The JISC Annual Conference
Julie Allinson, Marieke Guy and Maureen Pennock find themselves contemplating e-frameworks, digital curation and repositories at the JISC Annual Conference. -
The Second Digital Repositories Programme Meeting
Julie Allinson and Mahendra Mahey report on a 2-day JISC Digital Repositories Meeting focusing on project clusters working together and other related issues held by JISC in Warwick, UK over 27-28 March 2006. -
Looking for More Than Text?
Balviar Notay and Catherine Grout give an overview of developments in digitisation programmes, on-line delivery services and specialised search engines which cater for searching and locating still images and time-based media and consider the issues that surround their use, focusing particularly on JISC developments. -
Integration and Impact: The JISC Annual Conference
Marieke Guy has collated reports on sessions from the JISC Annual Conference held in Birmingham. -
News from BIOME
Jenny Hall reports on recent news form BIOME, the Health and Life Sciences hub of the Resource Discovery Network. -
United Kingdom Serials Group Conference 2005
Sarah Pearson reports on the annual 3-day UK Serials Group (UKSG) conference recently held at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. -
Fast-Forward on the Green Road to Open Access: The Case Against Mixing Up Green and Gold
Stevan Harnad provides a summary of his critique of Jean-Claude Guédon's views on the green and gold roads to Open Access.
News and Events
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
Filling Institutional Repositories: Practical Strategies from the DAEDALUS Project
Morag Mackie describes some strategies that can be used to help populate an institutional repository. -
News from BIOME
Jenny Hall reports on recent news from BIOME, the Health and Life Sciences hub of the Resource Discovery Network. -
Newsline: News You Can Use
Ariadne presents a brief summary of news and events. -
News from BIOME
Donald Mackay, Rod Ward and Jenny Hall provide us with the first of a series of bulletins on developments within the BIOME area of activity. -
Sharing History of Science and Medicine Gateway Metadata Using OAI-PMH
David Little outlines the resource sharing arrangements between the MedHist gateway and the Humbul hub, using the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, and some of the issues it has raised. -
Digitization: Do We Have a Strategy?
David Pearson suggests that the library sector should find a mechanism to put digitisation high on the agenda. -
BIOME: Progressing through Partnerships
Paula Manning reports on recent collaborations. -
ILRT: The Institute for Learning and Research Technology
Gillian Austen, External Relations Manager at the recently founded Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the University of Bristol, gives an overview of its structure and objectives. -
Julian Cook describes a major database of medical images. -
Julian Cook describes a project that deals with the storage and access of medical images. -
Natalie Walters