Web Magazine for Information Professionals

Ariadne Issues

Issue 1 Issue 1 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, feature article, regular column, odds and ends and project update. Most frequently used terms in this issue: collection development, bibliographic control, algorithm, identifier, web browser, dissemination, digitisation, operating system, preservation, avi and ftp
Issue 2 Issue 2 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :project update, event report, odds and ends, feature article, regular column and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: privacy, bibliographic control, telnet, ecms, metadata, foi, udc, digital library, thesaurus, javascript and e-learning
Issue 3 Issue 3 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :odds and ends, editorial, project update, event report, tooled up, regular column and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: dom, tagging, dns, sgml, web resources, intellectual property, web services, rae, video, data set and urn
Issue 4 Issue 4 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, project update, odds and ends, editorial, tooled up, regular column and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: access control, data model, standardisation, ocr, ascii, portfolio, data compression, usability, operating system, resource management and javascript
Issue 5 Issue 5 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, event report, project update, feature article, news and events, regular column, review and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: apache, dtd, access control, library management systems, knowledge base, jstor, vocabularies, content negotiation, optical character recognition, perl and tei
Issue 6 Issue 6 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article, regular column, review, tooled up, project update, event report, editorial and odds and ends. Most frequently used terms in this issue: identifier, free software, thesaurus, bibliographic record, medical subject headings, e-learning, telnet, bibliographic control, subject gateway, aacr2 and streaming
Issue 7 Issue 7 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :odds and ends, project update, event report, regular column, feature article and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: document format, digitisation, vocabularies, usability, dtd, isbd, machine-readable data, gif, ascii, library management systems and aacr2
Issue 8 Issue 8 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, feature article, regular column, odds and ends, editorial, project update and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: digital repositories, bibliographic control, resource sharing, thesaurus, digital preservation, authentication, ssh, copac, visualisation, jstor and portfolio
Issue 9 Issue 9 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :odds and ends, project update, event report, regular column, feature article and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: portfolio, i18n, lcsh, unicode, vocabularies, character encoding, library management systems, ascii, resource description, shared resource and ocr
Issue 10 Issue 10 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, regular column, editorial, odds and ends, project update and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: portfolio, data compression, resource management, vocabularies, operating system, samba, gif, library management systems, ocr, internet explorer and standardisation
Issue 11 Issue 11 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, regular column, event report, project update, odds and ends and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: jpeg, cookie, data management, intellectual property, web services, rae, data set, xml, lexical database, open access and sgml
Issue 12 Issue 12 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, project update, event report, review, feature article, news and events and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: aggregation, accessibility, multimedia, rdf, infrastructure, cd-rom, natural language processing, opac, web resources, vra core and information retrieval
Issue 13 Issue 13 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :regular column, news and events, feature article, odds and ends, editorial, event report and project update. Most frequently used terms in this issue: ejournal, css, computer programming, resource discovery, web resources, opac, doi, dublin core, passwords, infrastructure and browser
Issue 14 Issue 14 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :news and events, feature article, regular column, project update, event report, odds and ends and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: telnet, resource sharing, information architecture, authentication, controlled vocabularies, digital preservation, groovy, vocabularies, copac, operating system and preservation
Issue 15 Issue 15 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, project update, event report, feature article, news and events, regular column and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: rae, data set, smil, xsl, doi, dom, uri, digital media, wav, resource discovery and opera
Issue 16 Issue 16 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :news and events, feature article, regular column, tooled up, event report, project update, odds and ends and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: mac os, passwords, taxonomy, ead, png, scripting language, cache, intranet, foia, accessibility and preservation metadata
Issue 17 Issue 17 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, project update, editorial, odds and ends, feature article, news and events and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: doc, tagging, sgml, open access, information society, doi, graphics, opac, natural language processing, marc and web resources
Issue 18 Issue 18 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :regular column, feature article, news and events, odds and ends, editorial, project update and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: solaris, passwords, mac os, taxonomy, rdf, multimedia, rdbms, web development, ark, mobile and further education
Issue 19 Issue 19 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, odds and ends, editorial, tooled up, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: passwords, photoshop, scripting language, infrastructure, plain text, content management, provenance, web development, knowledge management, mailbase and bibliographic database
Issue 20 Issue 20 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :regular column, news and events, feature article, tooled up, event report, editorial and odds and ends. Most frequently used terms in this issue: ebook, metadata model, xlink, controlled vocabularies, semantic web, web browser, digital preservation, sql, ieee lom, x.500 and repositories
Issue 21 Issue 21 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, event report, feature article, regular column and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: smil, gis, intellectual property, xslt, portal, mysql, php, marc, dom, information society and graphics
Issue 22 Issue 22 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, feature article, regular column, odds and ends and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: mis, windows media, xsl, network service, css, ejournal, api, sgml, rfc, tagging and dom
Issue 23 Issue 23 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, feature article, regular column, event report, editorial and odds and ends. Most frequently used terms in this issue: e-government, opac, digital media, dublin core, rtf, css, webct, information retrieval, cache, open source and national library
Issue 24 Issue 24 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, event report, regular column, news and events, feature article, tooled up and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: accessibility, xhtml, provenance, cache, intranet, linux, mailbase, blog, vle, schema and wireless application profile
Issue 25 Issue 25 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, event report, tooled up, review, regular column and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: crm, tagging, mobile phone, graphics, marc, opac, web resources, xml schema, xslt, mis and gis
Issue 26 Issue 26 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, odds and ends, editorial, review, tooled up, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: aacr2, ecms, geospatial data, privacy, e-business, digital repositories, e-learning, marc21, prism, javascript and dcmes
Issue 27 Issue 27 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, feature article, news and events, regular column, event report, editorial and odds and ends. Most frequently used terms in this issue: intellectual property, purl, xsl, object database, cookie, uri, mobile phone, csv, quicktime, xslt and windows
Issue 28 Issue 28 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, odds and ends, editorial, tooled up, feature article, news and events and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: webct, intellectual property, bath profile, gis, modelling, information retrieval, content provider, data set, smil, learning objects and jpeg
Issue 29 Issue 29 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, review, regular column, feature article, news and events, event report, editorial and odds and ends. Most frequently used terms in this issue: uri, sgml, mobile phone, rtf, doi, information society, opac, web portal, xml schema, xslt and odrl
Issue 30 Issue 30 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, event report, tooled up, review, regular column, news and events and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: internet explorer, standardisation, vector graphics, rss, techwatch report, file sharing, resource description, python, gif, sms and usability
Issue 31 Issue 31 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, odds and ends, review, tooled up, news and events, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xhtml, dublin core metadata initiative, accessibility, web development, aggregation, linux, bibliographic database, mobile, service registry, latex and passwords
Issue 32 Issue 32 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, review, tooled up, news and events, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: jpg, ict, network protocol, access control, frbr, apache, communications protocol, dtd, vector graphics, knowledge base and openurl
Issue 33 Issue 33 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :regular column, feature article, news and events, tooled up, event report and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xslt, ims content packaging, mets, mysql, php, doi, information society, rtf, web standards, simple dublin core and doc
Issue 34 Issue 34 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, news and events, feature article, regular column, event report and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: perl, medical subject headings, free software, controlled vocabularies, semantic web, ebook, authentication, sword protocol, information architecture, collection description and udc
Issue 35 Issue 35 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, event report, review, tooled up, news and events, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: ldap, privacy, e-science, mobile learning, subject gateway, ddc, oai-pmh, semantic web, thesaurus, uml and wayback machine
Issue 36 Issue 36 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, feature article, news and events, regular column and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: thesaurus, ebook, mathml, javascript, ieee lom, machine learning, sql, wsrp, digital asset management, digital repositories and e-business
Issue 37 Issue 37 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, news and events, feature article, regular column, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xslt, xml schema, mets, mysql, web portal, php, bsd licence, doi, graphics, rfc and mobile phone
Issue 38 Issue 38 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, event report, feature article, news and events, regular column, review and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: lucene, stylesheet, mods, srw, algorithm, information architecture, mobile learning, subject gateway, geospatial data, collection development and e-science
Issue 39 Issue 39 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, regular column, news and events, feature article, tooled up and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: php, natural language processing, dom, foaf, curation, information society, flash, api, rtf, widget and simple dublin core
Issue 40 Issue 40 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article, news and events, regular column, review, tooled up, event report and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: ecms, collection development, geospatial data, catalogue index, file format, digital repositories, telnet, technorati, aacr2, stylesheet and mods
Issue 41 Issue 41 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, event report, review, tooled up, news and events, feature article and regular column. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xslt, gnu lesser general public license, mysql, web portal, quicktime, mets, xml schema, foaf, curation, sru and opac
Issue 42 Issue 42 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, news and events, feature article, regular column, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: ftp, jstor, data mining, wireless, visualisation, optical character recognition, eprints, qt, copac, resource management and character encoding
Issue 43 Issue 43 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, feature article, news and events, regular column, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: firefox, rae, information retrieval, modelling, drm, service oriented architecture, data management, persistent identifier, api, sgml and mobile phone
Issue 44 Issue 44 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :news and events, feature article, regular column, review, tooled up, event report and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xslt, google scholar, web portal, natural language processing, marc, e-government, information society, doi, foaf, prince2 and simple dublin core
Issue 45 Issue 45 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :news and events, feature article, regular column, review, tooled up, event report and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: personalisation, ontologies, sms, access control, data model, apache, openurl, rslp, portfolio, onix and google maps
Issue 46 Issue 46 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :news and events, feature article, editorial, event report, review and tooled up. Most frequently used terms in this issue: uportal, digital repositories, authentication service, foi, resource sharing, dspace, electronic theses, ddc, microsoft office, ebook and wayback machine
Issue 47 Issue 47 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article, news and events, editorial, event report and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: creative commons, apache, data model, podcast, dtd, learning design, digital object identifier, audio codec, context objects in spans, internet explorer and xacml
Issue 48 Issue 48 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, news and events, feature article and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: drm, ejournal, smil, cookie, jpeg, service oriented architecture, atom, content provider, bpel, gis and rae
Issue 49 Issue 49 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, news and events, feature article, event report and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: exif, mets, quicktime, web portal, vra core, opac, e-government, curation, flash video, api and h.264
Issue 50 Issue 50 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, editorial, news and events and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: vle, aggregation, shibboleth, linux, youtube, xhtml, dublin core metadata initiative, provenance, cloud computing, mp3 and library data
Issue 51 Issue 51 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, news and events, feature article, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: wordpress, oai-ore, namespace, openoffice, content syndication, portfolio, open archives initiative, data mining, jstor, wayf and operating system
Issue 52 Issue 52 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, feature article, news and events and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: xacml, streaming, jena, access control, tomcat, ontologies, creative commons, ict, flickr, podcast and social web
Issue 53 Issue 53 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, news and events, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: tag cloud, google docs, syndication, rdfs, photoshop, learning object metadata, lom, location-based services, sparql, didl and cql
Issue 54 Issue 54 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, news and events, feature article and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: mis, information retrieval, rae, bpel, drm, social software, network service, jpeg, data management, atom and rfc
Issue 55 Issue 55 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, feature article, news and events and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: search engine optimisation, lcsh, content packaging, z39.87, oai-ore, knowledge base, text mining, ontologies, creative commons, jpeg 2000 and data model
Issue 56 Issue 56 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, feature article, news and events and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: dns, second life, mobile phone, curation, sru, information society, marc, csv, php, opac and mysql
Issue 57 Issue 57 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, news and events, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: operating system, droid, lcsh, search engine optimisation, lams, plone, openoffice, namespace, google maps, visualisation and data mining
Issue 58 Issue 58 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, editorial, news and events and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: mobile, programming language, linux, knowledge management, shibboleth, born digital, national library, youtube, sparql, relax ng and digital archive
Issue 59 Issue 59 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, news and events, feature article, editorial and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: web resources, bibliometrics, gnome, marc, doc, digital media, refworks, web standards, persistent identifier, service oriented architecture and soa
Issue 60 Issue 60 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, news and events, feature article and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: rdbms, pageflakes, digital curation, windows, big data, photoshop, google docs, schema, aggregation, shibboleth and ogg
Issue 61 Issue 61 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, editorial, news and events, feature article and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: social networks, mashup, vra, google books, file format, amazon web services, technorati, lucene, cerif, mods and mobile learning
Issue 62 Issue 62 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, news and events, feature article, event report and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: free software, digital library, metadata model, resource description and access, flac, oai-pmh, tiff, agile development, ddc, mobi and domain model
Issue 63 Issue 63 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, news and events, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: mis, computer programming, intellectual property, virtual research environment, social software, css, jpeg, cookie, atom, second life and open access
Issue 64 Issue 64 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, editorial and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: cookie, css, intellectual property, rae, firefox, datamining, mp4, junaio, google analytics, web resources and graphics
Issue 65 Issue 65 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, editorial, feature article and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: rfid, ejournal, cookie, jpeg, z39.50, rae, web resources, bibliometrics, xml schema, j2ee and screencast
Issue 66 Issue 66 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: e-learning, marc21, machine learning, java, hashtag, irods, perl, tei, adobe, soap and rdfa
Issue 67 Issue 67 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, event report, editorial and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: adobe, disruptive innovation, tiff, native app, free software, native applications, machine learning, javascript, tei, social networks and collection development
Issue 68 Issue 68 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, feature article, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: portal, mets, web resources, mysql, exif, screencast, google scholar, android, widget, digital media and php
Issue 69 Issue 69 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, tooled up, event report, feature article and editorial. Most frequently used terms in this issue: smartphone, opera, digital curation, native apps, application profile, multimedia, windows, google refine, solaris, big data and taxonomy
Issue 70 Issue 70 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, review, event report, editorial and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: amazon web services, dspace, srw, cerif, adl, chrome, skos, data visualisation, ldap, social networks and fedora commons
Issue 71 Issue 71 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :editorial, feature article, event report, tooled up and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue: wireframe, lod, web development, restful, xhtml, shibboleth, bibliographic database, moodle, further education, itunes and ead
Issue 72 Issue 72 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, editorial, feature article and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue: library management systems, hypertext, ocr, personalisation, creative commons, optical character recognition, preservation, usability, learning management system, managerialism and operating system
Issue 73 Issue 73 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :tooled up, review, event report, editorial and feature article. Most frequently used terms in this issue: web services, modelling, linked data, jpeg, learning objects, ejournal, interoperability, social software, wiki, opac and csv
Issue 74 Issue 74 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article, editorial and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue:
Issue 75 Issue 75 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :review, feature article, news and events, editorial and event report. Most frequently used terms in this issue:
Issue 76 Issue 76 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :event report, feature article and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue:
Issue 77 Issue 77 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article and review. Most frequently used terms in this issue:
Issue 78 Issue 78 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article and news and events. Most frequently used terms in this issue:
Issue 79 Issue 79 of Ariadne includes a range of articles, including :feature article and news and events. Most frequently used terms in this issue: