Issue 9
From Aberystwyth to ADAM: Using the Skills Acquired on a Library School Course in the Real World
Rebecca Bradshaw reflects on how the skills and knowledge she acquired when a library school student are relevant (or not) to her current role, developing a network-based subject gateway. -
The Librarian of Babel: The Key to the Stacks
The Librarian, ably assisted by Mike Holderness, considers one of the obstacles to the unhindered dissemination of human knowledge, and makes a modest proposal. -
MIDRIB: Beyond Clip Art for Medicine
Betsy Anagnostelis and Sue Welsh describe the recent launch of the MIDRIB (Medical Images Digitised Reference Information Bank) project, and describe the medical image resource the project will create. -
Never Mind the Quality, Check the Badge-Width!
Alison McNab, Betsy Anagnostelis and Alison Cooke compare and contrast the methods used to identify and indicate which Internet-based resources are of high "quality". -
Preparing Students for a New Electronic Service
Preparing students for a new electronic service : Elizabeth Gadd outlines the approaches and experiences of Project ACORN in training and promoting their new electronic 'short-loan' collection. -
The NHS, the Internet and Libraries: The NHS Anglia and Oxford Internet Project
Judy Palmer and Myles Chippendale describe an initiative that is using the Internet to connect widely dispersed health libraries. -
Linda Kerr introduces a project from the Access to Network Resources section of the eLib programme which takes a holistic approach to providing access to high quality on-line engineering resources. -
In these days of European integration, Freda Carroll, Eurotext project co- ordinator, describes a project that will make European Union documents accessible online. -
Martin Melaugh reports on a site devoted to the Northern Ireland conflict. -
Leah Halliday believes there is SCOPE for a major shift in the publication of study texts. -
Elizabeth Gadd and Paula Kingston report on progress with Project ACORN. -
REDD: Regional Electronic Document Delivery Service
Chris Taylor provides details on an Australian electronic document delivery service that is based on standard Internet protocols. -
The Australian Museums on Line Project
Louise Douglas and Stephen Hall describe the Australian Museums On Line (AMOL) project, which aims to dramatically increase access to the cultural resources of Australian museums via the Internet by 2001 through the AMOL World Wide Web site. -
Monash University Library Electronic Resources Directory
Lisa Smith describes a system which can be used to help people locate the electronic resources of Monash University Library -
Indian Ocean Rim Region Virtual Library Project
Susan Lutley describes a prototype virtual library, built as part of a co-operative venture focusing on broad issues in Social Development within the Indian Ocean Rim Region. -
The Future of Digitising at the State Library of Victoria, Australia
Catherine Herman and Indra Kurzeme discuss the multimedia source project, set within the context of the pro-multimedia State of Victora, Australia. -
Metadata, PICS and Quality
Chris Armstrong looks at the possibility of a PICS application acting as a quality filter. -
Extending Metadata for Digital Preservation
Michael Day suggests how the concept of metadata could be extended to provide information in the specific field of digital preservation. -
Internationalisation and the Web
Jon Knight looks at how the Web is currently undergoing the sometimes painful internationalization process required if it is to live up to its name of the World Wide Web. -
Web Focus: Report on the WWW 6 Conference
Brian Kelly describes the sixth International World Wide Web conference which took place in California from 7 – 11 April 1997. -
Netskills Corner: The Evolution of HTML - Netscape Gold
Niall Mackenzie looks at using Netscape Gold for a more automated manner of Web page production. -
Planet SOSIG: A New Internet Role for Europe's Librarians
Emma Worsfold describes the role and purpose of SOSIG, and launches a scheme where European Librarians can participate in adding relevant, quality content to this Social Science Gateway. -
Public Libraries Corner: MODELS 5 Workshop Report and Futures
Sarah Ormes gives a report on the recent MODELS 5 workshop and its outcomes. -
Search Engines Corner: Alta Vista LiveTopics
Tracey Stanley looks at Live Topics, a more flexible and user-controlled way of searching the Alta Vista Web Page index. -
Web Access for the Disabled - HOTmetal PRO Helps to Bring Access to the Web
Cathy Murtha gives some details of an upgrade to a popular Web production tool that will make Web page creation easier for many disabled people. -
OMNI-Corner: Read All about It
OMNI's Sue Welsh looks at the sites which keep you up to date in health and medicine. -
Wire: Interview Via Email With Jon Knight and Martin Hamilton
In this interview we question Knight and Martin Hamilton and present their replies. -
Down Your Way: University of Bath
Isobel Stark has a look at the new library building (from where the Web version of Ariadne is produced) at the University of Bath. -
View from the Hill: Anne Dixon
Amy Tucker peers into the future of Physics journal publishing with Anne Dixon -
Around the Table: Social Sciences
Debra Hiom from SOSIG takes us on a guided tour of major Internet-based Social Science resources. -
Interface: Dr Isola Ajiferuke
Sheona Farquhar gains an insight into the problems of the information-poor. -
Minotaur: David Allen and Tom Wilson
David Allen and Tom Wilson lament the return of IT strategies. -
2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support
Sarah Ashton introduces the forthcoming 2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support, to be held in Sheffield on 23-24 June 1997. -
Elvira 4: May 1997, Milton Keynes
Ian Bloor reports on the recently held Elvira (Electronic Library and Visual Information Research) event. -
The Eighth ACM International Hypertext Conference
Nick Gibbins reports from the Hypertext Conference held in Southampton in April 1997 -
New cartoon work by Malcolm Campbell.